"William W Johnstone - Ashes 16 - Vengance in the Ashes (txt)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Johnstone William W)prewar population of eighty-five thousand." He looked up as another
half-dozen prisoners were marched in, their hands tied behind their backs. So far, the Rebels had suffered only one wounded and no dead. But Ben knew that would soon change. "General," Jersey called softly. Ben turned. A Rebel had brought one of the prisoners to him. "Excuse me, General," the Rebel said. "This misbegotten soul says he was second-in-command of the punks on this island." "I demand that I be untied and treated in accordance with the rules of the Geneva Convention," the thug said. "There were several Geneva Conventions," Ben replied. "Which one are you referring to?" "You know damn well which one I'm talking about." Ben sat down behind the desk and picked up a 9mm pistol. He clicked it off safety. The prisoner was watching him closely. Ben said, "We don't have to abide by those rules. So far as I know, Geneva no 27 longer exists. Besides, you're not in uniform. What's your name?" "Paul Morris." "And you were second-in-command of the crud and crap who controlled this island?" "I resent being called crud and crap!" "I don't give a flying rat's ass what you resent, you goddamn sorry overage punk. Soldier, take this bastard out and shoot him." "Now wait a minute!" Paul said, blood draining from his face. "For God's sake, General..." "For God's sake?" Ben shouted, rising to his feet. The prisoner backed up, frightened at the look on Ben's face. The muzzle of the Rebel's M-16 stopped him. "God? You dare to mention God? You're just like every two-bit thug I've ever had the misfortune to come in contact with. Big tough boys until your hand is called and then you're pure shit clear through, calling on the Almighty to help you. Why should He help you? Why shouldn't I shoot you? Have you ever done one decent thing in your entire life? Answer me, you putrid bag of batshit." "I... uh ... It's my daddy's fault I turned out like I did. My daddy beat me when I was young." "He didn't beat you enough," Ben told him. "Soldier, get this craphead |