"William W Johnstone - Ashes 16 - Vengance in the Ashes (txt)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Johnstone William W)

me to tears of joy. It really did. I hadn't experienced anything quite
like it since I got drunk one Saturday night and woke up the next morning on

29 the back pew of the Mount Hollyoak MB Colored Church outside Jackson,
Mississippi. That was spiritually uplifting too."

"I don't believe you," Cooper said.

"You got drunk and passed out in a church?" Corrie asked.

"I think Jim Nabors lived somewhere around here," Ben said. "Maybe you
heard him singing to his macadamia nuts?"

Emil looked confused. "What kind of a nut?"

Ben had started to rise from his chair to physically throw Emil out of
the CP when bullets started flying, knocking out windows and putting
everybody on the floor.

"Even this is better than having to listen to Emil," Jersey muttered.

Those attacking the CP probably thought Ben had broken up all his
battalions into small teams to work search-and-destroy. No one will ever
know what they thought because the thousand or so Rebels still in the
area chopped the attackers into bloody bits in less than half a minute.
The fight was over before Ben could reach his M-14.

"That's it, General," a Rebel said, sticking her head into the CP. "They
crawled through a big drainage pipe to get here. Twelve of them. They're
all dead."

"Barbarians," Emil muttered darkly, getting to his feet and brushing
dust off his clothing. "People must be mad to defile such a lovely place
with unwarranted violence."

"Get back to your battalion, Emil," Ben told him. "You're going to Lanai."

"What's over there, General?"

"Pineapples. Move!" Ben walked out of his CP to watch as the bodies of
the attackers were stripped of weapons and ammo and dragged off to be
buried in a mass and unmarked grave.

Those who elected to take up arms against the

31 Rebels were accorded very little respect when it came time to be buried.

Using the toe of his boot, Ben rolled one dead attacker over on his
back. The young man, probably in his early to mid twenties, had taken a