"Robert Jordan - Conan The Indomitable" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jordan Robert)

"Why, no, m'lorтАФI mean, no, sir. 'Twould be hard to make sport of one such as yourself."

"That's better."
Lalo's grin never faltered. "I mean, there's so little to work with."

Bent Nose blinked, obviously not understanding.

At his table, Conan smiled. He might be called a barbarian for his looks, but he knew humor when he
heard it.

Unfortunately for Lalo, One Ear's wits were at least a bit sharper than his companion's. "Fool," he said.
"He has insulted you!"

Bent Nose looked at him quizzically. "What are you talking about?"

"Ah," Lalo said. "I see that you are indeed a wit." He paused for a second, then continued: "No, on
second pass, I think that is probably only half-true."

Conan chuckled into his wine. Judging from Bent Nose's reaction, it seemed true enough.

"Why are you laughing?" Elashi asked. "Those two will cut that poor man into bloody ribbons!"

Conan shrugged. "That's his problem. A sharp tongue is no match for a sharp blade."

One Ear said, "Idiot! He insults you again."

This was enough for Bent Nose. He cleared his blade. "I shall have your laughing head for a soup bowl!"
he bellowed, advancing slowly toward Lalo.

Elashi jumped to her feet, drawing her own sword.

Conan said, "What are you doing?"

"Since there are nomen in here to protect a harmless, unarmed soul from such brutes, I shall do so

Conan sighed. Always something came to disturb his peace. He stood. "Be seated. I shall handle this."

"I would not want you to strain yourself," she said.

Conan merely shook his head. Is this a test, Crom? Perhaps I should have remained at the monastery
with the late Cengh and given up women. They are certainly more trouble than they are worth, at times.

Bent Nose looked up to see Conan looming. He paused in his pursuit of Lalo. "What is your business
here, outlander?"

Conan decided to try reason. "I have had a long day," he said, "and I would not see it ended by being
blood-spattered. Why not allow Lalo here to live?"

Bent Nose shifted the point of his sword in Conan's direction. "I care less than mouse turd for how your