"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 04 - Dragonspell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

make any sense, my lord?тАЩ

тАШIt does to me, Mistress Tevva. Just one thing, though. That witch was more likely to be a man than a
woman. You see, our enemies were trying to do to you what they eventually did to Bryc. They can take
over a personтАЩs body for a little while, if heтАЩs weak enough, and use it like their own.тАЩ

Bryc moaned, tears starting in his eyes.

тАШYour Grace,тАЩ he said to the tieryn. тАШI never would have. Never would I have hurt the lass. Please
believe me.тАЩ

Lovyan flicked Nevyn a questioning glance.

тАШI believe him, Your Grace. Now that I know what theyтАЩre doing, I can put a stop to it, too. If I may
make suggestions, Your Grace?тАЩ

тАШOf course.тАЩ

тАШTwo things. Bryc needs to be sent away - not out of blame, mind, but for his sake.тАЩ He turned to the
heart-sick boy. тАШTheyтАЩve made a link with you now, lad, and they might try to use it again. If theyтАЩre
successful, this time theyтАЩll kill you. Do you understand? TheyтАЩll use you, then toss you aside.тАЩ

His face pale, Bryc nodded a slow agreement.

тАШThe other thing is, the captain should be the childтАЩs bodyguard from now on. Whenever you go
outside, Mistress Tevva, you take him along with you. I canтАЩt imagine anyone taking over CullynтАЩs mind.тАЩ

тАШNo more can I,тАЩ Cullyn said. тАШI agree with Nevyn, Your Grace. Since they canтАЩt work their stinking
trickery anymore, they might send someone in here with a sword.тАЩ

тАШDone, then.тАЩ Lovyan gave them each a firm nod. тАШAnd as for you, Rhodda, you obey the captainтАЩs
orders from now on.тАЩ

тАШI will, Granna.тАЩ

Everyone smiled, doting on the pretty little lass because she was such a welcome relief from the dark
things around them. Only Nevyn knew that the child was touched by strange magicks, that thanks to the
elven blood sheтАЩd inherited from her father, not only could she see the Wildfolk, she also could command
them. Poor BrycтАЩs scratched and bruised face made it clear that she had a good streak of elven
vengefulness, too. Even with all his other worries and burdens weighing him down, Nevyn knew that heтАЩd
have to scrape out a little time for her.

That night, his worries pressed heavily upon him. Just after sunset he went up to his high chamber and
threw open the shutters to let in the brisk autumn air. The evening was so brilliantly clear that he could see
far beyond the town down to the harbour, where the ghostly white wave-foam mirrored the stars just
coming out in the velvet dark sky. Distantly he heard the booming of the bronze bell at ManannanтАЩs
temple, announcing that the gwerbretтАЩs men were raising the iron chain to close the harbour for the night.
In town, a few dogs barked in answer, and the dark was pricked or slashed here and there by a lantern
bobbing down a street or a crack of light from a window. At the sight of the stars and the rising moon
some of his weariness ebbed away, and he stood there for some minutes, leaning on the sill and thinking