"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬYes, and itтАЩs so wonderful of them.тАЭ She hesitated briefly. тАЬYou look sad, too, just like Keeta and
Delya do. Why?тАЭ

тАЬOh, thereтАЩs just something about a wedding that takes us old crones this way. DonтАЩt let it trouble you.тАЭ

тАЬBut it does trouble me. YouтАЩre all acting like IтАЩm going to get dragged off to the archonтАЩs prison instead
of married.тАЭ

Jill hesitated, but the girl deserved an honest answer.

тАЬWell, I suppose itтАЩs because this kind of happiness just canтАЩt last, just because of the way life runs, I
mean. ItтАЩs sad, in a way, like seeing a spring flower and knowing itтАЩs going to fade when summer comes.
I know that sounds awfully harsh, but do you think youтАЩll always be this gloriously happy?тАЭ

тАЬWell, I wish I could be, but of course youтАЩre right. All right, then, if thatтАЩs all it is.тАЭ
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It was, of course, a great deal more than that, but this was no moment to turn vulture and dwell upon all
those worries that used to trouble older women at a wedding: the slow death of a girlтАЩs youth, the quick
death of the little freedom allowed her in life between her fatherтАЩs house and her husbandтАЩs, to say
nothing, in those daysтАФhundreds of years before the dweomer taught women to control their
pregnanciesтАФof her possible literal death in childbirth or from the simple exhaustion of birthing too many

тАЬThatтАЩs a nice set of fortune tiles,тАЭ Jill said instead. тАЬDid Salamander buy them for you?тАЭ

тАЬYes. ArenтАЩt they lovely?тАЭ But she frowned, tilting her head a little to one side. тАЬYou know, it was the
oddest thing. I saw these in the marketplace, just sitting in their box, and I didnтАЩt pick them up or
anything. I didnтАЩt even touch them. But I somehow knew that there was this wine stain on the bottom.
And you know what the oddest thing was? Eba├▒y knew it, too. And he never looked, either.тАЭ

JillтАЩs doubt that the girl might be Alaena reborn vanished.

тАЬWell, odd things like that do happen.тАЭ She stood up quickly, before Marka could ask further and touch
the edge of secrets. тАЬI think it means you were meant to have them. And meant to have Eba├▒y, too, most

Marka favored her with a smile as brilliant as the moon at her full.

Later that evening, after the show, when the troupe was eating itsmidnightmeal round a leaping fire, there
was a celebration. Vinto was a fine musician, playing the wela-wela, a zitherlike instrument; another of the
acrobats played the drum; the flute boy outdid himself, especially since there was plenty of background
noise to cover his occasional squeak. Everyone was laughing and singing, toasting Salamander and
Marka with cups of red wine and taking turns in wishing them happiness, and even some of the
merchants who were sharing the public field drifted over, getting into the spirit of things by bringing
stuffed dates and nut cakes and the other traditional gifts for this sort of celebration. After about an hour
the noise and the crowd began to get on JillтАЩs nerves, and when she drifted away for a quiet walk, Keeta