"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

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тАЬOho, I think I do see.тАЭ She could hear her voice crack like a boot breaking ice. тАЬYouтАЩre a coward.тАЭ

He was on his feet in a moment, red-faced and shaking with a rage to match hers.

тАЬAfter all IтАЩve risked for you, after all IтАЩve done for youтАФтАЭ

тАЬYou havenтАЩt done one thing for me. YouтАЩve done it for the dweomer and the Light.тАЭ

тАЬI donтАЩt give aтАФтАЭ He caught himself on the edge of blasphemy. тАЬSo I did. WasnтАЩt that enough, then,
everything I suffered for the Light?тАЭ

тАЬYou canтАЩt measure out service like so many sacks of meal and say тАШenough, no more.тАЩ But that doesnтАЩt
matter anyway. My road isnтАЩt your road. I couldnтАЩt have Rhodry and the dweomer both, but thereтАЩs no
reason on earth you canтАЩt raise your family and study as well. If IтАЩd married, my life would have been my
husbandтАЩs. ThatтАЩs a womanтАЩs Wyrd, not yours. You can have MarkaтАЩs life and yours as well. YouтАЩre
just too cursed lazy to study, arenтАЩt you? ThatтАЩs the ugly truth of it. Lazy and a coward.тАЭ

тАЬMock and goad me all you want. IтАЩve made my decision.тАЭ

тАЬWell and good, then. Far be it from me to stop you. Not one thing on this earth or over it or under it
can force you to take up the birthright youтАЩre throwing away. But cursed and twice cursed if I linger to
watch you.тАЭ

She turned on her heel and spun out of the chamber, slamming the door behind her, and strode down the
narrow hall that stank of dust and damp in the cloying heat. She meant to go for a walk in the night air
and let them both come to their senses, but he was furious enough to follow her.

тАЬI am sick half to death of you lording it over me,тАЭ he snarled. тАЬDonтАЩt you think I know you despise

тАЬNaught of the sort! IтАЩm merely sick at heart to see you pissing your life away into a puddle.тАЭ

тАЬOh, am I now? Is that all you think Marka is? A waste of my most exalted and ever so talented self?тАЭ

тАЬOf course not! ItтАЩs got naught to do with the lass.тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩs got everything to do with her. ThatтАЩs what you donтАЩt understand. YouтАЩre just like Nevyn, Jill. As
cold and nasty hearted as ever the old man was.тАЭ

тАЬDonтАЩt you say one word against Nevyn.тАЭ

The snarl in her voice frightened even her. He stopped in midreply and stepped back against the wall as
if she were a thief come to murder him.

тАЬYou spoiled stinking mincing little fop,тАЭ she went on. тАЬHave it your way, then. My curse upon you!тАЭ