"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬGood morrow, fair lady.тАЭ He spoke in Deverrian. тАЬMy true love tells me that you wish to hurry on your
way and not linger here in my beloved land. What a pity, for IтАЩve many a marvel to show you.тАЭ

тАЬNo doubt, and truly, IтАЩm honored by your invitation, but IтАЩve another kind of marvel to find. If I
remember the tales about you rightly, itтАЩs one that I think youтАЩd find interesting yourself, the island refuge
of the sea elves.тАЭ

He grinned, revealing teeth that were more than a little sharp.

тАЬAnd someday, perhaps, IтАЩll come visit you there.тАЭ He turned to Dallandra. тАЬIтАЩve found the road we
want. Shall we travel it?тАЭ

For an answer she merely smiled and caught his hand. Jill walked alongside as they sauntered off down
the middle road, as casually as a lady and her lover taking a stroll through the park lands of his estate. All
round the mist hovered, parting directly ahead in swirls of watery sunlight to reveal dark mounds of trees.
Off to her right she could hear a distant ocean crashing big waves onto some unseen shore.

тАЬThose three roads you saw at first? TheyтАЩre the mothers of all roads,тАЭ Evandar remarked. тАЬMen and
elves, every thinking creature under all the suns everywhereтАФthey like to think theyтАЩre following a road
of their own building, donтАЩt they? But all those earthly roads are just the daughters of one of these three.тАЭ

тАЬIndeed?тАЭ Jill said. тАЬI wonтАЩt argue with you when you could well be right, for all I know.тАЭ

тАЬAnd since the three are the mothers of all earthly roads, all those earthly roads start and end here. You
can move from one to another and come out where you choose, providing, of course, that you know
how to get here in the first place.тАЭ
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тАЬI see.тАЭ Jill allowed herself a smile. тАЬThatтАЩs the trick, is it?тАЭ

тАЬJust so.тАЭ He smiled in return. тАЬAnd not so easy a trick to learn.тАЭ

тАЬI well believe that.тАЭ

тАЬNow, of course, I could show you that trick, if youтАЩd care to stay and learn it.тАЭ

Jill felt a pang of temptation as strong as a stab of pain, but she merely laughed and shook her head no.

тАЬIтАЩm grateful for the offer, mind. But IтАЩve got a bit of work on my hands just now.тАЭ

тАЬYour choice, of course.тАЭ Evandar bowed, a half-mocking sweep of his arm. тАЬNow, it does take a bit of
learning to untangle the roads from their mothers. ItтАЩs rather like a tapestry weaverтАЩs remnants, a big
basket of yarn of all colors, all tangled up together, and pulling just one strand free without knotting it
round the rest isnтАЩt such an easy thing to do. Which is why weтАЩd best stop for a moment and let me