"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

each man armed with a long bronze-tipped spear. The music drifted away and stopped as the Host
swelled, spreading across the meadow. At some far distance she heard horses neighing.

тАЬWhile you were gone, Alshandra was seen again,тАЭ Evandar said to Dallandra. тАЬWith some of those
from farther in.тАЭ

тАЬFarther in? I wish youтАЩd explainтАФтАЭ

тАЬThere are two hosts, my love, the bright court that I keep, and then the dark who live farther in. And
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thatтАЩs all IтАЩll say about it now, for look! our horses!тАЭ

A young boy hurried forward, leading two golden horses with silvery manes and tails. As Dallandra
mounted, she saw that the foot soldiers had turned into cavalry as suddenly as changes always came
about in this country. In the clatter and jingle of metal-studded tack they followed Evandar as he led the
way out with a whoop and a wave of his arm. Dallandra rode up next to him as the road beneath
flattened out and broke free into sunlight. Yet always the mist remained, a gray and shifting wall, seeming
solid at times, thin and teased to silver at others to reveal glimpses of shining cities or forested mountains.
Dallandra noticed that it always hung just at their left hand, as if they were traveling deosil in a vast circle
round a grassy plain.

тАЬThe riding of the border,тАЭ Evandar called out.

Behind him the Host roared their approval, and silver horns blew.

On horses that never seemed to tire they rode for hours, till the day faded into a greenish twilight, and a
moon hung pink and bloated just above the horizon, never rising, never setting. In that ghastly light they
traveled past ruins of cities fallen to some great catastrophe and the black and twisted stumps of dead
forests, blanketed with ancient ash stretching as far as Dallandra could see. The horses never stumbled,
never paused, ambled on and on and on through death and night, till just as she was ready to scream
from the terror of it day broke, blue and clear, to drench them all in golden light. The mist writhed one
last time, then blew away on a fresh and rising wind. Just ahead in the flowered meadow stood the
pavilion of cloth-of-gold. Dallandra caught her breath in a sob of relief.

тАЬTne border lies secure!тАЭ Evandar cried out. тАЬGo then to your music and the feast, but come again when
I call.тАЭ

Behind him the host of soldiers blew away, like dead leaves swirling in an autumn wind. He swung down
from his horse, helped Dallandra dismount, then turned the reins of their horses over to the same boy,
who appeared as silently as before. Dallandra watched him lead them away round the pavilion and
wondered aloud if there they would disappear.

тАЬNoтАЭ theyтАЩll return to their pastures, from whence we stole them.тАЭ He was grinning. тАЬAre you weary, my
love? Shall we join the feast?тАЭ

тАЬIтАЩd rather you explained a few things to me.тАЭ