"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

of their own nerves, but when he came up to Branoic, who was posted out near the herd of horses, he
found the younger man as tense as a harp string.

тАЬOh, now here, lad! Look at the horses, standing there all peaceful like. If there was some fell thing
about, theyтАЩd warn us.тАЭ

тАЬYou heard what Nevyn said, and heтАЩs right. There are some things horses canтАЩt know. Maddyn, you
can mock me all you like, but some evil thing walks this stretch of country. I can practically smell it.тАЭ

Maddyn was about to make a joke when the knocks sounded, three distant rolls booming out like
thunder from a clear sky. Branoic yelped like a kicked dog and spun round to point as a tower of pale
silver flame shot up through the night. As far as Maddyn could tell, it was coming from the old hunting
lodge. Even though they were over a mile away, Maddyn saw the river flash with reflected light as it
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seemed that the flames would lick at the sky itself. Then they fell back, leaving both men blind and
blinking in the darkness. In the camp, yells and curses broke like a rainstorm. Around them horses
neighed and reared, pulling at their tethers.

тАЬCome on!тАЭ Maddyn grabbed BranoicтАЩs arm. тАЬSomewhatтАЩs happened to Nevyn.тАЭ

Stumbling and swearing, they took off upriver, running because it would take too long to calm and
saddle horses. Just as MaddynтАЩs sight was finally clear someone hailed them: Nevyn himself, leading his
horse along as calmly as you please.

тАЬYe gods, my lord! We thought you slain.тАЭ

тАЬNaught of the sort. I did get a little carried away with that fire, didnтАЩt I? IтАЩve never tried anything quite
like that before, and I think me I need to refine my hand.тАЭ

Nevyn refused to say anything more until they reached the camp. Shouting for answers the men
surrounded him until Maryn yelled at them to shut up and let the councillor through. It was a good
measure of the princeтАЩs authority that they all fell back and did so. Once Nevyn reached the pool of
firelight, he mugged a look of mild surprise.

тАЬI told you IтАЩd lay the haunt to rest, lads, and I did. ThereтАЩs naught more to worry about.тАЭ He glanced
around with a deliberate vagueness. тАЬIf someone would take my horse, IтАЩd be grateful.тАЭ

Owaen grabbed the reins and led the trembling beast away to join its fellows.

тАЬOh, come now, good councillor.тАЭ With all the flexible courage of youth Maryn was grinning at him.
тАЬYou canтАЩt expect to put us off so easily.тАЭ

тАЬWell, perhaps not.тАЭ The old man thought for a moment, but Maddyn was sure that he had his little
speech all prepared and was only pretending to hesitate. тАЬTo lay a haunt youтАЩve got to burn its corpse.
So I made a huge fire and shoved the ghastly thing in. But I stupidly forgot about the corpse-gas, and up
went the whole lodge. I hope your father wonтАЩt be vexed, my liege. IтАЩve destroyed one of his holdings,