"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

for their nightтАЩs camp on the banks of the Elaver just some five miles from the dun. Branoic tethered out
his horse and AethanтАЩs while the elder man carried their gear to a campsite and drew them provisions
from the pack train. As glad as he was to be out of the dun and riding, BranoicтАЩs mood was dark that
evening, and he swore at the horses for ducking their heads and grabbing grass while he was trying to
change bridle for halter. He was disappointed, that was all, heartsick that he was stuck in Pyrdon instead
of riding behind the true king on his journey to CerrmorтАФor so he told himself. Since heтАЩd never been an
introspective man, the excuse rang true enough.

When he went back to the camp he found the troop settling in. Some men were spreading out their
bedrolls; others were cursing flint and tinder as they struggled to light a fire. He found Maddyn and
Aethan by a fire that was already blazing; although no one was sure why, it was common knowledge that
fires always lit easily for the bard. As he walked up he felt his heart pounding in the strange way it did
lately, a fearful sort of wondering as he looked over the campsite until he saw that Aethan had indeed
dumped his gear there along with his own and MaddynтАЩs. That he would be allowed to camp with them
was so welcome, such a relief, really, from his fear that heтАЩd be put somewhere else, that he briefly
thought of going elsewhere just to pretend that he didnтАЩt care. Maddyn looked up with an easy smile, and
he broke into a jog, drawn by that smile like a thirsty man to water.

тАЬDoes your horse need tethering, Maddo? IтАЩll do it for you.тАЭ

тАЬOh, IтАЩve already got him out. Are you lads hungry? WeтАЩd best eat now, because there might be a bit of
a surprise later.тАЭ

тАЬA what?тАЭ Aethan looked vaguely annoyed. тАЬTalking in riddles again, are you?тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩs good for you, makes you exercise your wits. Well, what few wits you have, anyway.тАЭ

Aethan threw a fake punch his way and grinned. They had known each other so long that at moments
like these BranoicтАЩs heart ached from feeling that he was an outsider, some foreigner who would never
know their private language.

тАЬBut IтАЩm hungry, sure enough,тАЭ Aethan went on. тАЬWhat about you, Branno? Care to gnaw on some of
the kingтАЩs stale hardtack?тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩll do, truly. Maybe when weтАЩre raiding we can snag us a barrel of ale to wash this foul stuff down

At that perfectly ordinary remark Maddyn looked sly, but Branoic let it pass. The bard would tell him his
secret when he wanted to and not a minute before.

As it turned out, they didnтАЩt have long to wait. Just as the sun was setting, they heard a guard shout from
the outer limits of the camp and rose to see what the trouble was. Two men came riding toward them
from the east, and as the setting sun washed them with gold, Branoic realized that it was the Marked
Prince and the councillor. Beside him Aethan laughed, a crow of triumph.

тАЬSo weтАЩre going to Cerrmor after all, are we? Well played, Maddo! They took us in good and proper
with that fanfare and pomp in the ward this morning.тАЭ
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