"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬWhat troubles your heart, Captain? It must be a grave thing indeed.тАЭ

тАЬDo I look as glum as that?тАЭ

тАЬYou do, truly.тАЭ

Caradoc sighed, hesitated, then shrugged.
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тАЬWell, good councillorтАФI mean, good merchantтАФIтАЩve just been wondering what kind of welcome IтАЩm
in for down in Cerrmor.тАЭ

тАЬWell, the kingтАЩs pardoned you alreadyтАФfor all and sundry and in advance.тАЭ

тАЬBut IтАЩd never hold him to it if it was going to cause him trouble, and it might. ThereтАЩs a powerful lord
who just might take umbrage at that kind of pardon, and I donтАЩt want him stirring things up behind the
princeтАЩs back, like.тАЭ


They sat in silence for a moment more.

тАЬAh horseshit!тАЭ Caradoc said abruptly. тАЬWhat happened was this. I wasnтАЩt welcome at home for a
number of reasons that IтАЩll keep to myself, if you donтАЩt mind and all, and my father found me a place in
the warband of a man named Lord Tidvulc. Ever hear of him?тАЭ

тАЬI havenтАЩt, truly.тАЭ

тАЬWell, he was decent enough in his way, but his eldest son was a slimy little tub of eel snot, not that you
could tell his lordship that, of course. And so our young lordlingтАФgods, IтАЩve almost forgotten his
nameтАФlet me see, I think it was Gwaryn or Gwarc or suchlikeтАФanyway, this little pusboil went and got
a bondwoman with child. I guess he was enough of a hound to not mind the fleas. And then he had the
stinking gall to try to kill her to keep the news from getting out! I happened to be passing by her hut, and
luckily there werfc a couple of the lads with me for witnesses, because we heard the poor bitch
screaming and sobbing as his noble lordling tried to strangle her. So I grabbed him and broke both his
arms.тАЭ Caradoc looked shame-struck rueful. тАЬDonтАЩt know what came over me all of a sudden. She was
only a bondwoman, but it rubbed me wrong, like.тАЭ

тАЬI wouldnтАЩt let myself feel shamed if I were you, Captain. Rather the opposite.тАЭ

Caradoc shrugged away the implied praise.

тАЬSo of course Lord Tidvulc had to kick me out of the warband. I got the feeling he didnтАЩt want to, but it
was his first-born son and all. The trouble is, his lordship was no young man when I left, all those years
ago, and IтАЩll wager anything you please that his sonтАЩs the lord now.тАЭ