"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬYou lackwit dog! Which brothel?тАЭ

тАЬHow would we know, Maddo? None of us have ever been in Dun Trebyc before. They went out to
ask around, like.тАЭ

When MaddynтАЩs cheeks flushed a dangerous shade of purple, Albyn shrank back, half ducking a blow
that never came. With a deep exhalation of breath, Maddyn got himself under control.

тАЬWeтАЩre all going to go out and ask around. All right, you sixтАФhunt up the other lads and go out in
squads, four men to a squad, say, and scour this wretched town down. Find him. Do you hear me? Find
him fast.тАЭ

As the men scrambled up and hurried off to follow orders, Nevyn barely saw them leave. He could feel
the blood pounding in his temples, partly from rage, but mostly fear. Maryn was off in one of the most
lawless towns in the kingdom, and he didnтАЩt dare use a trace of dweomer to find him.

тАЬWeтАЩd best go look ourselves,тАЭ Maddyn said.

тАЬJust so. And when I get my hands on Aethan and young Branno . . . тАЭ

тАЬWhatever it is youтАЩre going to do, IтАЩll hold them down so you can do it.тАЭ

Since Dun Trebyc was the kind of town it was, finding a brothel turned out to be easy enough. Down
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near the river the two silver daggers with their prince in tow came across the Tupping Ram, a surprisingly
big two-story roundhouse with its own stableyard out in back and a palisade made of split logs all round.
Over the gate, right next to the painted wooden sign, hung a well-worn broom smelling of sour ale.

тАЬIтАЩll wager they sell more than beer, judging from the look of that sign,тАЭ Branoic said with a grin. тАЬIn we
go, lads.тАЭ

The stable turned out to be a big open barn without stalls. As they hitched their horses to a rail near the
far side, Branoic noticed Aethan looking over the various other horses, as well as he could in the dim
lantern light, anyway.

тАЬThereтАЩs a lot of devices and suchlike on this gear. Looks like the marks belong to some free troops.
Listen, young ones: watch what you say in there. WeтАЩve got rivals, and I donтАЩt want a brawl.

тАЬJust so,тАЭ Branoic said. тАЬI didnтАЩt come here with fistfights on my mind anyway.тАЭ

The ale room was stinking-hot from the fire in the hearth and the press of men packed into
itтАФmerchants, riders for the local lord, a couple of other silver daggers, and a good-sized mob of men
from a mercenary troop that wore a black sword embroidered on one sleeve for a device. Strolling