"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

broken wickerwork the brothel had indeed been busy that night. They shoved their way out the doorway
and clattered down the stairs fast to the stableyard, where a curious crowd was beginning to form.

тАЬI was just going downstairs again with the red-haired slut when I saw your stupid ugly mug poking up
over the wall.тАЭ AethanтАЩs voice was so choked that Branoic thought him still furious until all at once the
older man broke out into a howl of laughter. тАЬOh, ye gods, the look on everyoneтАЩs face! Wait till we tell
Maddo about this!тАЭ

тАЬAh shit! Do we have to?тАЭ

тАЬI do,тАЭ Aethan gasped out. тАЬDonтАЩt know about you. IтАФoh, ye gods! WhereтАЩs Maryn?тАЭ

In a wave of ice-cold shame Branoic spun around and headed, all unthinking, back toward the stairway
with Aethan right behind. By then, though, men and women both were rushing down, clutching pieces of
clothing or struggling to get clothing on, cursing and snarling and swearing theyтАЩd find the lout of a silver
dagger who was responsible and slice his heart out. Aethan grabbed Branoic by the arm and pulled him
back into a patch of shadow.

тАЬGo get the horses and take them round to the street,тАЭ he hissed. тАЬIтАЩll find the lad and try to warn the
rest of our men, too.тАЭ

Keeping to the dark places Branoic scuttled to the stable and found their three mounts. His heart was
pounding in terrorтАФwhat if something had happened to the one true king of all Deverry and it was all his
fault? All at once he realized that their little prank was a dangerous one all round, taking Maryn into the
heart of a strange town with only a couple of guardsтАФwho had then let him go off with a whore on his
own. What if the lass had been in someoneтАЩs pay? He gathered the horsesтАЩ reins in one hand, threw open
the stable door with the other, and started out only to run straight into Maddyn and Nevyn.

тАЬWhereтАЩs the prince?тАЭ Maddyn snarled.

тАЬI donтАЩt know. AethanтАЩs looking for him.тАЭ

With a foul oath Maddyn slugged him backhanded across the face.

тАЬI shouldnтАЩt be surprised youтАЩd do such a stupid thing, but I expected better from Aethan. And why by
the name of every god is this wretched crowd milling round out here?тАЭ

Branoic tried to speak, but his voice clogged and tears filled his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to
choke them back. Nevyn grabbed his arm and shook it.

тАЬThink, lad! Save the cursed shame for later.тАЭ

тАЬIтАФIтАФI . . . тАЭ

The horses began to stamp and toss their heads. By then BranoicтАЩs hands were so sweaty that he could
barely hang on to the reins.

тАЬNevyn!тАЭ The whisper came from directly above them. тАЬIs th-th-that you?тАЭ
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