"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

Wildfolk hurrying after. He found the old man sitting on the windowsill of his chamber and staring idly out
across the spring countryside. Although Maddyn hesitated, wondering if he were interrupting some
meditation, Nevyn turned to him and started to smileтАФuntil he saw the Wildfolk.

тАЬWhat? You shouldnтАЩt be here!тАЭ

All three of them began to jump up and down and point up at the ceiling, their little faces twisted in an
agony of concentration.

тАЬYe gods!тАЭ Nevyn sounded truly alarmed. тАЬSomeoneтАЩs watching us?тАЭ

They shook their heads in a no, then frowned again and began pinching and shoving each other.

тАЬSomeone saw last night, when the men were fighting.тАЭ

They all nodded, then disappeared. Even though Maddyn had no idea of what was happening, he went
cold with fear just from tne look on NevynтАЩs faceтАФan icy kind of horror mingled with rage.

тАЬThis is serious, Maddo lad, truly serious. When did they come to you?тАЭ
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тАЬJust now. I came straight up here.тАЭ

тАЬGood, good. You did exactly the right thing.тАЭ Nevyn began to pace back and forth across the chamber.
тАЬYe gods, I donтАЩt know what to do!тАЭ

MaddynтАЩs chill of unease deepened. For so long he had so blindly trusted Nevyn to solve every problem
that hearing the old man admit helplessness was as bad as a death sentence.

тАЬWeтАЩve got to get out of Dun Trebyc,тАЭ the dweomerman said finally. тАЬBut weтАЩve got to do so in the right
way. We need to keep up our ruse of being a perfectly ordinary troop of mercenaries.тАЭ

тАЬWell, if we were, we wouldnтАЩt be leaving without a proper hire. No single jewel merchantтАЩs rich enough
to engage a whole band of mercenaries. If he was, heтАЩd have bodyguards.тАЭ

тАЬJust so. WeтАЩd best find a better excuse than me. IтАФwhoтАЩs that? Come in!тАЭ

The footsteps theyтАЩd heard turned out to belong to Caradoc, who came in with a bob of a bow for the
old man.

тАЬWeтАЩve got to get out of here today, Nevyn. Been lucky so far, but IтАЩll wager the town warden and his
men are going to be coming around soon, asking questions about that brawl last night.тАЭ

тАЬI had the same thought myself. Hum. I think I know where I can find us a hire. Since IтАЩm a merchant
now, IтАЩd best go pay my respects to my new god, hadnтАЩt I? IтАЩll be down at thetempleofNwddif you need