"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

and Owaen, but thatтАЩd look too suspicious.тАЭ

тАЬI agree. By the way, Captain, I heard all sorts of news down at the temple. I must say that the merchant
guilds do themselves proud when it comes to hearing what there is to hear. The Cantrae king seems to be
planning a major offensive on the eastern side of the borderтАФround Buccbrael, the rumors say. HeтАЩs
been stripping the west of men for some big march, anyway.тАЭ

тАЬSplendid, if itтАЩs true. LetтАЩs pray it is.тАЭ

тАЬProvided he doesnтАЩt strike at Cerrmor before we get there. The extreme west has always been
CerrmorтАЩs weakest point, and itтАЩs doubtless worse now that the Wolf ClanтАЩs had to surrender their lands
and go into exile.тАЭ

тАЬUh, you know,тАЭ Caradoc said. тАЬThe borderтАЩs held a long time without the Wolves on it. They went into
exileтАФoh, at least twenty years ago.тАЭ

тАЬHas it been that long? When you get to be my age, itтАЩs so easy to lose track of time.тАЭ

Just beforenoon, the silver daggers left Dun Trebyc under a sky striped with scattered clouds that had
everyone groaning at the thought of more rain, but it held off till they met their hire. About two miles
down the road Budyc was waiting on a splendid roan gelding. When Caradoc slowed the troop,
Maddyn fell back beside Nevyn, and the merchant trotted over and took the place beside the captain.

тАЬWeтАЩll be continuing south till midafternoon,тАЭ Budyc said. тАЬThen heading west for a ways. Not far,

тАЬHow about telling us somewhat about this hire?тАЭ
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тАЬNot yet.тАЭ Budyc rose in the stirrups and looked round the flat view as if scanning for enemies. тАЬStill too
soon. Tonight, Captain. Everything will come clear tonight.тАЭ

When Maddyn shot Nevyn a nervous glance, the old man merely smiled and shrugged, as if telling him to
rest easy in his mind. If it werenтАЩt for the prince, Maddyn might have, but as it was, he kept turning in the
saddle and glancing back at Maryn. Since the road here was wide, the troop was riding four abreast, and
Maryn was in the second file with Branoic on one side of him, Aethan the other, and Albyn just beyond
AethanтАФa formidable set of guards by anyoneтАЩs standards. No doubt the young prince could swing a
sword himself if he had toтАФheтАЩd certainly had the best teachers that warlike Pyrdon could offerтАФbut all
that sunny afternoon Maddyn kept brooding on the painful difference between swordcraft on the practice
ground and swordcraft in a scrap. Sooner or later Maryn would have to blood his blade, of course;
Maddyn merely prayed with all his heart that it would be later.

A couple of hours before sunset the silver daggers came to a trail that led west off the main road, and
Budyc pointed it out to Caradoc with a wave. Yelling orders, Owaen rode down the line and sorted the
troop out into single file, with Maryn between Branoic and Aethan about halfway along. Although