"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬItтАЩs not Maryn theyтАЩre afterтАФitтАЩs Branoic! Ye gods, I should have thought of that! Ah by the hellsтАФthe
ruse is torn anyway, and cursed if IтАЩll sit here and not use the dweomer the gods gave me!тАЭ

With a snarl of rage the old man raised his arm to the sky as if he were saluting the sun with a sword,
then slowly lowered his hand until he pointed straight at the battle below. Under his breath he muttered a
few words in some strange language that Maddyn couldnтАЩt understand even though it sounded oddly


A thousand Wildfolk swept into manifestation and raced down the hill toward the enemy. When Nevyn
shouted, blue and silver flames leapt from his hand and followed. Like bolts of lightning the illusory fire fell
among the enemy horses just as the Wildfolk dove down from the air, pinching, clawing, biting beast and
man alike. The terrified horses reared and pawed, screamed and danced, and the Boarsmen and their
allies could do not one thing about it. Shrieking and bucking they broke. Those horses lucky enough to
be on the edge of the mob plunged free and galloped away as if all the devils of hell were behind them;
those caught in the middle began kicking and biting anything in their way. Owaen and Caradoc began
screaming at the silver daggers to pull back and let them go. As the mob loosened its grip more and more
Boarsmen pulled out of line and fled, the men screaming louder than their mounts as the Wildfolk
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streamed after, all claws and teeth.

Maddyn heard a strange noise. It was a moment before he realized that he and Nevyn both were

тАЬI doubt me if theyтАЩll be re-forming for another charge,тАЭ the old man said in the mildest possible tone of

тАЬTrue enough, and look, my lord, thereтАЩs the prince, safe and sound and riding to meet you. Here, IтАЩd
best go fetch Caudyr and his wagon. WeтАЩll have wounded men down there.тАЭ

Maddyn had only gone about a half mile when he met the chirurgeon trotting his team to meet him. They
went to the battlefield together to find Nevyn already supervising as the silver daggers pulled the
wounded free of dead and dying horses, while Caradoc, Owaen, and the prince held a hasty council of
war off to one side. Since the battle had been so brief, the damage was small. A number of men were
badly cut, but all in all, as Maddyn coursed the battlefield with a squad to look for prisoners, he found
only three dead silver daggers, and a couple of horses so badly hurt that theyтАЩd have to be put out of
their misery. Maddyn was just congratulating himself on their light losses when he found Aethan.

His legs trapped by his dead horse Aethan lay on his back near the riverbank. A chance thrust had split
his mail and gone through his side to catch a lung. Although he was still alive, at every rasped breath he
drew a bubble of blood broke on his lips and trickled down his chin. Maddyn dropped to his knees
beside him and half kicked the horse away, half pulled him free, then slipped an arm around his shoulders
to cradle his head against his chest. Aethan stared up at him with cloudy eyes.

тАЬItтАЩs meтАФMaddo. Do you want some water?тАЭ