"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬThose bastards on the barges had ale with them all along, but they were holding out on us. Old Nevyn
made them hand it over. Said if we were going to risk our necks for them they could at least stand us a

Maddyn nodded again and drank a few sips. When Branoic sat down next to him, he saw that the ladтАЩs
calm was all a shamтАФtears were running down his face. Very carefully, very slowly, Maddyn set the
tankard down next to his bloodstained shirt, then dropped his face into his hands and sobbed, howling
like a child and rocking back and forth until Branoic grabbed him and pulled him into his arms to hold him
still. Even as he wept, Maddyn heard his own voice rise to a keen, and for a long time that night he
mourned, caught tight in the comfort of a friendтАЩs arms. Yet even in the depths of his grief, he felt that the
most bitter thing was that Aethan had never lived to see Cerrmor and the true king come into his own.

тАЬN-n-nevyn, I donтАЩt understand,тАЭ Maryn said, picking each word carefully. тАЬThe enemy werenтАЩt after
me. They wanted Branoic. I was p-p-protecting himтАФor trying to, anyway.тАЭ

тАЬTrying, indeed!тАЭ Caradoc broke in, and he was grinning like a proud father. тАЬYou did a splendid job of
it, my prince. You can swing that blade like a silver dagger, sure enough.тАЭ

Maryn blushed scarlet from the praise, but he kept looking at Nevyn, waiting for his answer. The three
of them were sitting at CaradocтАЩs fire, and talking softly to keep the rest of the men from hearing.
Although he debated, Nevyn decided that after the spectacle heтАЩd put on that afternoon, he might as well
tell the whole truth of the tale.

тАЬWell, my liege, it was an oversight on my part, though IтАЩll admit it was a lucky one, all in all. I want both
of you to keep this a secret.тАЭ He glanced back and forth at prince and captain until they nodded their
agreement. тАЬYoung Branoic has a natural talent for dweomer. Since itтАЩs totally untrained, he canтАЩt use it,
mindтАФheтАЩs not going to ensorcel anyone or suchlike. But consider our enemies, working in the dark, as
it were, searching desperately for any trace they can find of the true king. Now, back in Pyrdon everyone
knows what the prince looks like, but weтАЩre a long way from home, lads. And so, as our enemies here
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scry and work their spells, what do they find but a magicalтАФoh, what shall I call it? Here, you know how
a hearthstone will radiate heat after the fireтАЩs been burning for a good long time? You can see it glow red,
and the air above it shimmers, like? Very good. Well, magical talent in a person puts out an emanation
thatтАЩs somewhat like that. So hereтАЩs BranoicтАФtall and strong, a splendid fighter, a good-looking
manтАФeasy enough to mistake for a prince just on general principles, and on top of all that, he absolutely
reeks of dweomer.тАЭ

тАЬThey thought he was me!тАЭ Maryn burst out. тАЬThey might have k-k-killed him, thinking him me! IтАЩd
never forgive myself if they had.тАЭ

тАЬBetter him than you, Your Highness,тАЭ Caradoc said dryly. тАЬAnd I know Branno would agree with me a
thousand times over.тАЭ

тАЬJust so,тАЭ Nevyn said. тАЬYou know, my liege, IтАЩll wager they think youтАЩre the princeтАЩs page. Excellent.