"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

cool in summer. But it gets into the dairy room through this underground tunnel that leads all the way
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outside the dun walls to that big stream that goes through the market district down to the river. The tunnel
was built in 769 by Glyn the First when the sorcerer was here, the one who posed as a gardener to gain
the kingтАЩs confidence and . . . тАЭ

тАЬSorcerer? DonтАЩt prattle about some wretched sorcerer!тАЭ He was close to shouting. тАЬI never knew
about any cursed tunnel. Ye gods, Your Highness, this is a serious matter!тАЭ

тАЬWell, so I thought. ThatтАЩs what I meant about assassins.тАЭ

тАЬWeтАЩll have to brick the tunnel up, or, wait, if things come to a siege, weтАЩll need the water.тАЭ

Muttering about portcullises and blacksmiths, Tieryn Elyc rushed off with barely a bow in her direction.
Although Bellyra considered climbing back into her tree, her daydreaming mood was broken. It was also
getting late; in a few moments the sun would drop below the circling walls, and the garden turn cold. She
crossed the bridge and went inside a tower, climbed up a spiral staircase to a landing, crossed it to
another set of stairs, which led down to still another door, which finally got her out to the ward. As she
was going to the kitchen hut, she saw two of the scullery boys cleaning a butchered pig. Its liver lay
steaming and bleeding on the cobbles.

тАЬModd, please, slice me off a bit of that liver, will you?тАЭ

тАЬFor that scraggly cat of yours, Your Highness?тАЭ

тАЬShe wonтАЩt be scraggly when sheтАЩs not half-starved. HowтАЩs she going to have her kits if she canтАЩt make

When she gave him one of her most brilliant smiles, he relented, smiling in return, pushing back his
forelock with a blood-crusted wrist and glancing round at the littered ward.

тАЬFetch me those cabbage leaves over there for a wrap,тАЭ he said to the younger boy. тАЬAnd weтАЩll slice the
royal puss up a bit of supper.тАЭ

тАЬSheis the royal puss now. So there!тАЭ

The cat in question lived with her up in her chambers, the old nursery, which took up the floor above the
womenтАЩs hall. Half the round floor plan was filled by a single big room with a hearth, where she and her
brother and younger sister had once had their baths and eaten their meals. Lying by the hearth were a
pair of little wooden horses, left there by Caturyc on the night when heтАЩd fallen ill. Somehow no one
wanted to pick them up and put them away, even though heтАЩd been dead for years. The other half was
divided into small wedge-shaped chambers, one each for the children and one for their old nurse, who
had accompanied Gwerna, BellyraтАЩs eight-year-old sister, when sheтАЩd been sent off to an auntтАЩs in a
country dunтАФfor her delicate health, everyone said, but Bellyra knew that they were keeping her safe, as
the younger heir, in case Cerrmor was besieged at the end of the spmmer. As Princess of the Blood it
was BellyraтАЩs Wyrd to stay through the siege. She would have to be very brave, she supposed, and keep