"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)


тАЬIs somewhat going to happen at sunset?тАЭ

тАЬWait, Your Highness. ThatтАЩs all I can say.тАЭ

She had no choice but to do just that, wait and watch in an agony of impatience, as Lord Tanimael made
his slow round of the great hall, lighting the rush torches in their sconces and ordering the servants to push
aside the chunks of sod in the hearth and mend up the fires that had been smoldering underneath all the
warm day. When the light flared up, sending long shadows like spears across the hall, the warbands fell
oddly silent, and Caradoc broke off his conversation with Tieryn Elyc to turn in his chair and look at
Nevyn. The old man merely smiled, as bland as bland, and helped himself to more cheese.

тАЬDo you bar the dun gates at sunset, Your Highness?тАЭ

тАЬWe donтАЩt, not till themidnightwatch, because some of the townsfolk work in the dun and donтАЩt leave till

тАЬAh. Very good.тАЭ

The torches suddenly seemed to burn brighter. Although there wasnтАЩt a trace of a breeze in the great
hall, they flared up, and flames rose straight and steady with only the barest traces of smoke. Distantly,
from somewhere out in the ward, she heard voicesтАФno, it was chanting, and the sound of a soft drum.
All at once bronze horns shrieked and blared.

тАЬPriests!тАЭ Elyc whispered. тАЬWhat by every demon in hell is happening out there?тАЭ

Before he could get up to see, the huge carved doors into the hall were flung open. The horns rasped out
another shriek; the drums pounded; the chanting swelled. Walking four abreast the priests of Bel came
marching into the hall, so many that Bellyra could only assume that every temple from miles around had
assembled there in Cerrmor. They were shaven-headed and dressed in the long plain linen tunics of their
calling, and round every neck was a solid gold torc, and at every waist glittered a golden sickle. In a long
line they maneuvered their way through the crowded hall in time to the pounding drums and the long
wailing chants from the Dawntime. At their head was Nicedd, the ancient leader of the temple, so old that
he rarely walked abroad anymore, but that night he stepped as firmly as a young man up to the dais.
Shaking a little, Tieryn Elyc rose to confront him.

тАЬYour Holiness! Why are we honored this way?тАЭ

тАЬSave your words, Regent! Where is the one true King?тАЭ

тАЬWhat, Your Holiness? I donтАЩt knowтАФI only wish I didтАФbut I donтАЩt know.тАЭ
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тАЬYou lie! All the omens say that at this moment the one true king of all Deverry dwells within this dun.
Where is he?тАЭ