"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

The horns shrieked once; the drums fell silent. Every man in the great hall turned to stare at Elyc as if
accusing him of the worst treason. The regent could only stare back, bewildered and terrified both.

тАЬBel has spoken this very day. Bel has given us omens. Bel has blessed us with true speaking.тАЭ

тАЬBlessed be the name of the Holy One,тАЭ murmured the priests behind him. тАЬBlessed be the Light of the

тАЬWhen the Lawgiver speaks, all men and in truth all women too must listen. The one true king is within
these walls, Regent.тАЭ

Elyc tried to speak but failed miserably, and sweat was beading his forehead. Bellyra found herself
considering her detailed knowledge of the dun; surely if the king was being held prisoner in some hidden
chamber, sheтАЩd be the one to puzzle it out. Then she realized that during this mind-gripping ceremony
Nevyn had slipped away from the table, and for the second time that evening, her heart started thudding
in her throat. As Nicedd climbed up the three steps to the dais, the gold sickle swinging at his belt like a
weapon, Elyc sank to his knees.

тАЬWhere is the one true king of all Deverry?тАЭ The priest turned on his heel to face the crowd. тАЬHe sits
among you! Do you know him not?тАЭ

At the back of the hall Maryn stood up, a simple gesture, just a very young man standing up and tossing
aside a dirty, torn cloak, but at that moment every person in the hall, noble lord and serving wench alike,
caught their breath with an audible gasp. It seemed that the sun had returned to shine on him, just for a
moment before it hurried about its business in the Otherlands; it seemed that a summer wind sprang up to
breathe upon him, ruffling his golden hair and filling the smoky hall with the scent of roses; it seemed that
the very air around him came alive, as if his simple presence were enough to fill the great hall with as
much snap and power as a summer thunderstorm.

тАЬWho calls for the king?тАЭ His voice rang out firm and clear.

тАЬI do.тАЭ Slowly and carefully Nicedd knelt beside Elyc. тАЬYour Highness.тАЭ

The crackling of the fires in the hearth seemed louder than thunder as the one true king of all Deverry
strode the long way from the back of the hall and up the steps to the dais. Bellyra could neither cheer nor
move nor even think clearly. Like a priestly chant words ran through her mind of their own accord: this is
my husband, why didnтАЩt I comb my hair? When Maryn reached the dais, he stopped in front of Elyc and
smiled at him with a boyish innocence that was like a flash of light.

тАЬAm I welcome here, Regent?тАЭ

тАЬMy liege.тАЭ Elyc tried to say more, but he was crying too hard. тАЬO my holy liege.тАЭ

Maryn bent down, caught the tierynтАЩs hands in his, and raised him to his feet. At that the warbands could
stand it no longer. They cheered and called his name and howled war cries; they stood and climbed on
benches and tables; they began to stamp their feet while they cheered and screamed the more. Maryn
smiled that same bewitching smile at them all, then flung up one hand for silence. As if theyтАЩd been
rehearsed, every person in the hall stopped shouting. All at once Bellyra was afraid of him, this beautiful
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