"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬThen Elyssa could come! ThatтАЩs ElycтАЩs daughter from his first wife, you see, and sheтАЩs my best and
only friend. When it looked for a while like IтАЩd have to marry him, the only good thing was sheтАЩd get to
be my stepdaughter, which would have been truly odd, because sheтАЩs fifteen. But anyway, after sheтАЩs
here, she can help me with clothes and furniture.тАЭ

тАЬIt gladdens my heart that at least you wonтАЩt be marrying Elyc, good man though he is in his way. Now,
put on your best dress, and comb your hair down like a ladyтАЩs. You canтАЩt wear it in a braid anymore.
IтАЩve come to fetch you back to the great hall. Since the priests are here, Nicedd wants to solemnize your
betrothal this very night.тАЭ
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тАЬAre we to marry soon? IтАЩll wager they all want me to get started on producing the beastly heirs.тАЭ

тАЬConsidering your age, they may have to wait a bit, which will serve them right. But MarynтАЩs going to
have to go on campaign this summer. WeтАЩve got to get you two married and him solemnized as king
before Beltane.тАЭ

While Bellyra changed into her purple dress and arranged her kirtle to hide the gravy stains from its
previous incarnation as a banqueting cloth, Nevyn wandered off and found a serving lass to press into
service as a ladyтАЩs maid to do her hair. Since she had no mirror, Bellyra had to accept their word for it
that she looked both lovely and years older with her hair combed down and clasped at the nape of her

тАЬWhy donтАЩt you have a proper mirror, anyway?тАЭ Nevyn said.

тАЬIтАЩm not supposed to look into them. Since I was born on Samaen everyoneтАЩs afraid that if I look into a
mirror, I wonтАЩt have any reflection at all, or maybe even IтАЩll see a fiend looking back at me or some such

тАЬO ye gods! What utter nonsense!тАЭ He turned to the servant. тАЬHere, lass, you run down to the
dowagerтАЩs hall and get a mirror. Now donтАЩt you argue with me! No doubt the dowagerтАЩs fallen into a
drunken sleep, and sheтАЩll never even know.тАЭ

Even though she crossed her fingers to ward off witchcraft first, the lass did follow his orders, returning
in a few minutes with a hand mirror of polished bronze glazed in Bardek silver. It took Bellyra a few
minutes more, though, to overcome her fear and look. Although she knew she wasnтАЩt a fiend, she truly
was afraid that sheтАЩd see nothing at all. Instead she found a remarkably pretty lass with wavy blond hair
and big green eyes staring back with her delicate lips half-parted in surprise.

тАЬIs that truly me?тАЭ

тАЬIt is.тАЭ Nevyn got behind her and looked over her shoulder. тАЬThe reflection I see looks just like the
princess I see.тАЭ

Only then could she believe him.

As they came down the stairs she could hear a happy uproar, loud talk and louder laughter, from the