"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

repercussions still echoed, though it was two hundred years and more ago. And what of the other people
involved? The young queen, for instanceтАФwould in time her soul reappear to add another knot to this
puzzle piece? Jill felt that in its own way, the dweomer owed Bellyra a great deal to make up for that
ancient tragedy. And what about those women who had helped move the tragedy along? They too had a
debt to pay, perhaps, to the rose ring and its bearer. Otho the dwarf, of course, was still alive, though
getting on in years even for one of the Mountain People. Did he still have some tie or bond with the ring
heтАЩd created so long ago? And then, of course, there was the soul once known as MaddynтАФRhodry of
Aberwyn nowтАФwhoтАЩd been reunited with the rose ring and who wore it still . . . or again. With Nevyn
gone, these problems were all hers to solve, these people hers to guard and guide. It was time she set
about it.

Yawning and stretching, a servant came into the hut with a bowl of milk and bread and a fresh pitcher of
wash water.

тАЬGood morning, my lady. His holiness was wondering, by the bye, how long you were planning on
staying with us? HeтАЩs in no hurry for you to leave, mind. Just a-wondering.тАЭ

тАЬTell him IтАЩll be on my way this afternoon. IтАЩve a long journey ahead of me.тАЭ

тАЬAh. Going to Aberwyn?тАЭ

тАЬA bit farther than that. Bardek.тАЭ

тАЬFancy that! A long, long journey indeed! Not going there alone, are you now?тАЭ

тАЬI am. I suppose.тАЭ She paused, considering. тАЬWell, you know, there does happen to be someone I
could ask to go with me, and it might be a good idea, at that. He knows the islands a fair bit better than I
do. Hum. IтАЩll have to think about this.тАЭ


Consider the roots of a simple and mundane action, for instance, buying bread for your breakfast. A
farmer has grown the grain in a field carved from wilderness by his ancestors; in the ancient city a miller
has ground the flour and a baker prepared the loaf; the vendor has transported it to your house in a cart
built by a cartwright and his apprentices. Even the donkey that draws the cart, what stories could she not
tell if you could decipher her braying? And then you yourself hand over a coin of copper dug from the
very heart of the earth, you who have risen from a bed of dreams and darkness to stand in the light of the
vast and terrifying sun. Are there not a thousand strands woven together into this tapestry of a morning
meal? How then can you expect that the omens of great events should be easy to unravel?

Pseudo-Iamblichus Scroll


The Knave of Flowers
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