"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

standing on the prow of a small boat heading out from shore against the waves. After some days of
practice, though, Rhodry had found his balance. Rather than trying to straddle her neck like a horse, he
knelt and sat forward, steadied by his knees, resting as much on his own heels as her flesh so that he
could roll with her wing beats. Bracing himself against them was futile. At times he would let go the ropes,
first with one hand, then with both, to see how secure he really was.

What he needed to learn next, he realized, was fighting from dragonback. He carried a curved elvish
hunting bow which might serve him in battle, though he wanted to fight close in as well as from an archer's
distance. A spear would do splendidly, he decided. He could brace himself between two scales and
thrust with a long spear as his Deverrian ancestors were said to have done back in the Dawn-time,
before they'd left their original homeland, that mysterious country called Gallia, now lost to their
descendants forever.
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By leaning well forward and screaming at the top of his lungs, Rhodry could talk to Arzosah in fits and

'Have you seen any traces of Horsekin?'

'What do you mean, traces? You can see the road they took as well as I,'

He sighed. He was learning that she could be very literal minded.

'I mean, have you seen any Horsekin? Now, I mean. Ones we can


'Oh. No.тАЩ

'Well, keep an eye open, will you?'

'Of course, I - Here! What's this?'

She flung up her head and sniffed the wind, then with a curve of her wings beat backwards to slow and
steady herself in mid-flight.

'Horsekin?' Rhodry said.

'Dweomer! I smell it strong!'

Rhodry swung his head round, scanning for enemies. He too could feel a sensation for which smell
seemed as apt a metaphor as any, a tingling in the air that transmitted itself to the skin of his face and
hands. For the briefest of moments the sky ahead of them seemed to swirl as if a wisp of smoke were
blowing by. With a flap of wings and a harsh cry, an enormous raven materialized dead ahead of them, as
suddenly as if it had come through an invisible door.

For a moment, as it hovered, beating its wings to keep its place, the giant bird stared straight at him.