"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

Borne on its inner wave, the memory rose again, and this time the image of a face came with it.
Impossible! he thought It could never be her, never! And yet in a wordless way, he knew perfectly well
that it was, that he had met again an enemy from many years past, when he and Jill were young. It had
happened, in fact, during their very first year of riding the long road together. And a strange affair that
was, he thought, as soaked with evil magic as a battlefield is with blood. Strange then and stranger to
look back on now, when I know a thing or two more than I did then.


Gwaentaer and Deverry

Spring, 1063

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This figure brings good out of prior good, and evil out of prior evil. Yet by a most cunning paradox,
when it does fall into the Land of Steel, which governs marriages, it produces evil even unto the point of

The Omenbook of Gwarn, Loremaster

The tavern catered, it seemed, to shabby young men, laughing and talking among themselves -
craftsmen's apprentices from the look of them. Jill propped one foot up on a bench and settled her back
against the curved stone wall. Since she and her man both carried the silver dagger, the mark of a
notoriously poor band of wandering mercenaries, the other customers seemed willing to ignore them, but
she preferred to take no chances. Besides, even though she wore men's clothing and had her blonde hair
cropped off like a lad's, she was very beautiful, back in those days, and men had seen through her ruse

'What's so wrong?' Rhodry whispered.

'They're all thieves.'

'Ye gods! Do you mean we're drinking in a тАФ'

'Shush, you dolt!'

'My apologies, but why are we -'