"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

him to an honour duel and formally choose me for your champion, I might take you up on it, but only if
this fellow can fight and fight well.'

Biting his lip hard, the stranger glanced round. The gnome stuck out its tongue at him, then disappeared.

'An honour duel's impossible. He ... uh ... well won't respond to my challenge.'

тАШThen I'm not your man.'

'Ah, but they always say that silver daggers have their price. Two gold pieces.'

Jill nearly choked on her ale. Two gold pieces would buy a prosperous farm and its livestock as well.

'I wouldn't do it for a thousand,' Rhodry snapped. 'But at that price, doubtless you'll find someone else
to do your murdering for you.'

The fellow rose and dashed for the door, as if the dolt had just realized that he'd said too much to a
perfect stranger Jill noticed one of the thieves, a slender fellow with a shock of mousy-brown hair, slip
out after him, only to return in a few minutes. He sat down compamonably across from Rhodry without
so much as a by-your-leave.

'You were right to turn him down, silver dagger I just talked to the idiot, and he let it slip that this enemy
of his is a noble lord.' The thief rolled his eyes heavenward 'As if anyone would touch a job like that! If
one of the noble-born got himself done in, wouldn't the town be crawling with the gwerbret's marshals,
poking their stinking noses into every corner and wondering how the likes of us made our living? You
silver daggers can just ride on again, but us Guildsmen have to live here, you know '

тАШTrue spoken,тАЩ Jill broke in. 'Here, did he say where this noble lord lived?'

'Not to put a name to it, but I got the feeling, just from a few things he said, like, that it was somewhere
to the south.'
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After the thief took himself off again, Jill sat down next to Rhodry on the unsteady bench

тАШThinking of riding south, my love?'

'I am It gripes my soul, thinking of one of the noble-born murdered by some base-born coward Wonder
if we can find our plump little killer again?'

But although they searched the town before they rode out, they never saw nor smelled him

The late afternoon sun, flecked with dust motes, streamed in the windows of the great hall At the far side
of the round room, a couple of members of the warband were wagering on the dice, while others sipped
ale and talked about very little Tieryn Dwaen of Bringerun lounged back m his carved chair, put his feet
up on the honour table, and watched the first flies of spring as he sipped a tankard of ale His guest, Lord
Cadlew of Marcbyr, sat at his right and fussed over a dog from the pack lying round their feet. A fine,