"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

Beryn would have understood that.'

'And why should I add one murder to another when we've got a gwerbret not forty miles north of here?'

'Ye gods, Dwaen, you talk like a cursed priest!'

'If I'd had brothers I would have been a priest, and you know it as well as I do.тАЩ

In a few minutes what kin Dwaen did have left came down from the women's hall, his mother, Slaecca,
and his sister, Ylaena, with their serving women trailing after. Her hair coiffed in the black headscarf of a
widow, Slaecca was pale, her face drawn, as if she were on the edge of a grave illness, every movement
slow and measured to mete out her shreds of strength. Ylaena, pretty, slender, and sixteen, looked
bewildered, as she had ever since the murder.

'Here, Mother, sit at my right, will you?' Dwaen rose to greet the dowager. 'Cado, if you'll oblige by
sitting with my sister?'

Cadlew was so eager to oblige that it occurred to Dwaen that it was time he found his sister a husband.
Although he glanced his mother's way to see if she'd noticed the young lord's reaction, she was staring
absently out into space.

'Oh now here, Mam, Da wouldn't have wanted you to fill your life with misery just because he's gone to
the Otherlands.'

'I know, but I'm just so worried.'

'What? What about?'

'Dwaen, Dwaen, don't put me off! I can't believe that a man like Beryn is going to let this thing lie.'

'Well now, it'd be a grave thing for him to break the gwerbret's decree of justice, and he knows it.
Besides, he's got his own sense of honour. If he kills me, there'll be no one left to carry on the blood
feud, and I doubt me if he'd do a loathsome thing like killing a man who had no hope of vengeance.'

Slaecca merely sighed, as if in disbelief, and went back to staring across the hall.

On the morrow Dwaen and Cadlew took the gwertrae out to hunt rabbits in a stretch of wild meadow
land some few miles from the dun. They had no sooner ridden into the grass when the dog raised a
sleeping hare. With one sharp bark, it took off after its prey. Although the brown hare raced and dodged,
leaping high and twisting off at sharp angles, the gwertrae ran so low to the ground and fast that it easily
turned the hare in a big circle and drove it back to the hunters. With a whoop of laughter, Cadlew
spurred his horse to meet it and bent over to spear the hare off the ground with one easy stroke. All
morning they coursed back and forth until the leather sack at Cadlew's saddle peak bulged bloody from
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their kills.