"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

from the deferential manner in which she spoke. Behind them on a pony rode a page carrying a big
basket and bringing up the rear, a swordsman on a warhorse, their escort. Since he was wearing no mail,
they could see the blazon, a stag leaping over a fallen tree, embroidered on the yokes of his shirt. Jill and
Rhodry pulled off the road to let the lady past, a courtesy which she acknowledged with a sunny smile
and a wave of her gloved hand.

(My lady?' Rhodry called out. 'May I ask whom we have the honour of seeing?'

'Lady Ylaena of Bringerun.' The page answered for the lady as was his place. 'Sister to Tieryn Dwaen.'
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Rhodry bowed from the saddle with such a bright smile that Jill felt a stab of jealousy. She would never
have pretty dresses and soft, pale skin like Ylaena's. On the other hand, she could knock Rhodry all over
a stable-yard if he ever tried to betray her, an advantage that the lady would lack in dealing with her
eventual husband. Once the noble party had ridden by, they returned to the road.

'No doubt they're meeting that hunting party we heard,тАЩ Rhodry remarked.

But his words caught Jill like an omen. Although she tried to talk herself out of it, she felt trouble round
them like a cold wind. They'd ridden no more than half-a-mile when she surrendered.

'Rhoddo, we've got to turn back. That lady's in danger. I know it sounds daft, but I know it as well as I
know the sky's blue. If we meet them, and I'm wrong, we can make up some tale about having lost a bit
of gear in the road or suchlike.'

Jill could hear her voice shaking, and it was this fear that convinced Rhodry. As they turned back, she
wished that they could dismount and put on their mail, but she somehow knew that there was no time.
Suddenly they heard a woman scream, and then a shout and the clash of metal on metal. With a howl of
unearthly laughter, Rhodry drew his sword and kicked his horse to a gallop. Sword in hand, Jill raced
after him.

As they charged up to the clearing by the river, Jill saw a welter of horses and ill-armoured men: two
attacking the Stag rider, who was already bleeding as he swung his sword and yelled; two more grabbing
the reins of the ladies' horses, and one last beating the helpless page about the head. Rhodry charged
straight into the melee and killed a man from behind, then swung on another. Jill galloped past and cut at
the man struggling with the reins of Ylaena's terrified palfrey. When she sliced him across the back, he
screamed and dropped the reins.

'Ride!' Jill shouted at the lady.

When Jill shifted her weight in the saddle her battle-trained horse swung round to the rescue of the
serving woman, whose screams echoed above Rhodry's berserker's laugh. Jill ducked her enemy's
clumsy blow and slashed him across the throat.

'My apologies,тАЩ Jill said. 'You poor bastard.'

For the briefest of moments he stayed upright, staring at her in disbelief, then fell dead over his horse's