"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

own, but the prisoner never said a word, not even his name, merely smiled with faint contempt during the
entire session Finally, Lallyc glared at the man and rolled up a sleeve with exaggerated care

тАШThere's more than one way to get a man to talk, Your Grace '

'Not in my dun!' Dwaen snapped 'I know what you're planning, and you can }ust put it out of your mind

'His grace is an honourable man,' Rhodry broke in 'But his life is at stake Lallyc and me can just work
him over some place where you don't have to watch '

'You won't1 I won't have a helpless man tortured It's against the will of the gods, and that's an end to it!'

The prisoner looked at the lord with eyes poisoned by contempt.

'We'll take you along to the gwerbret ' Dwaen seemed unaware of the look 'If you refuse to give
evidence in the malover, then the laws state he can put vou to death, and so we'll see how long you keep
your lips laced Lallyc, get one of the men to shut him in a shed Keep him under guard, and make sure
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he's got food and water, decent food and water, mind '

Later that afternoon Lord Cadlew returned with ten men from his warband As the two lords, with
Rhodry in attendance, sat drinking in the great hall, Dwaen noticed Ylaena halfway up the spiral staircase
and hanging over the rail like a child trying to see what the grown-ups are doing down below Apparently
Cadlew noticed her, too, because he blushed for no discernible reason

тАШThere's somewhat we'd best settle before we ride,тАЩ Dwaen said. 'Do you want to marry my sister? She
wants to marry you.'

Cadlew's grip tightened on his tankard.

'I realize she's far above me in rank, and never would I let such a thing come between us, Your Grace.'

'Don't be a stuffy bastard. I have every intention of seeing you two betrothed if it pleases you both.'

'Oh.' Cadlew considered the ale in his tankard for a long moment, then got up, slowly and deliberately.
'Perhaps I'd best speak formally to your mother.'

'It seems advisable, truly.'

Cadlew looked his way, started to speak, then merely grinned. He dashed for the staircase, though
Ylaena was gone, doubtless back to the women's hall to wait for her suitor there as formality demanded.
Dwaen watched him running up after her till he ducked out of sight onto the landing above, then turned to

'Well, there. If Beryn does manage to dispose of me, Cadlew will inherit through Ylaena, and Beryn will