"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

his close-cropped beard. Every time the dragon went on guard he would start up, then mutter a curse
under his breath and sit again.

'Rori?' he said finally. 'What be troubling the beast?'

Rhodry Maelwaedd stopped his restless pacing and walked back into the pool of firelight. He was well
over six feet tall but built straight from shoulder to hip, and his raven-dark hair and cornflower blue eyes
marked him for an Eldidd man, even though that province lay hundreds of miles to the south, all the way
across the far-flung kingdom of Dcverry. Weather-beaten, grizzled, Rhodry was still a handsome man,
and he looked human enough - at first glance, anyway.

'I don't know,' he said. 'It's a pity you never learned the Elvish tongue, Enj. It's the only thing she
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'And where would I have come across elves, all the way up here? Well, before I met you, anyway.'

тАШTrue spoken.' Rhodry turned to the dragon and began speaking in the language of his father's people.
'What's wrong? Do you smell trouble on the wind?'

'What? No, not yet, anyway.' The dragon's voice rumbled and growled like a turning millstone. 'But I
like to keep a bit of a guard.'

'Sensible enough, and my thanks.'

She rippled her long wings, then rested her head on her coppery-green paws, though she kept an eye
open to watch him. On the third finger of his right hand Rhodry wore a silver ring, a flat band inscribed on
the outside with a design of roses and on the inside, with her true name.

'Naught's wrong.' Rhodry sat down on the ground a few feet from Enj and spoke in the rough patois of
Deverrian and the mountain tongue that they both could understand. 'She's just troubled, like we are.'

'It's been a miserable bad day, truly.'

Rhodry laughed, a high mad chortle of a berserker's howl that made Enj wince and the dragon raise her
head to hiss like a thousand cats.

'You must admit, Enj old lad, that you've a fine gift for understatement. You've lost home and kin both,
and I've lost a woman I loved with all my heart and soul, and what do you call it? A miserable bad day.
Well, truly, it was that, I suppose.'

'My apologies, then!' Enj snarled like the dragon. 'But ye gods, what do you expect me to do? Orate
like one of your wretched bards?'

Rhodry wiped his grin away.

тАШIтАЩm sorry. Forgive me,'