"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

'Not without dreaming. Let's let the fire burn a while.'

'Very well.' He looked at the dragon, who was quietly snarling to herself. 'Still thinking of Evandar?'

'Yes. If ever I find him again, I'm going to eat him. Munch crunch gobble gone.'

'A fine sentiment, but I'm afraid you can't really eat him. He doesn't have a real body, not one made out
of meat, I mean, like you and me.'

'Just like him! The final cheat of all!'

'A spiteful beast, isn't she?'

The voice came out of the dark beyond the fire. His dagger in hand, Rhodry scrambled to his feet as a
figure strolled toward them. A silver glow like moonlight hung in the air round him so that they could see
him clearly, a tall fellow, slender, dressed in a long green tunic and buckskin trousers. His hair was the
bright yellow of daffodils, his lips were the red of sour cherries, and his eyes were an unnatural turquoise
blue, bright as gemstones. Yet the strangest things of all were his ears, long and delicately pointed, furled
tight like a fern in spring.

'Evandar!' Rhodry hissed.

The dragon slapped her tail upon the ground with a dull boom like an avalanche. He could hear her
scuffling to her feet behind him.
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тАШThe very one.' Evandar made a bow, then raised one hand to point a long and slender finger at the
dragon. 'Arzosah Sothy Lorezohaz! Remember that I know your name.'

She snarled, opening her mouth wide, but she held her place. Enj crouched by the fire and stared at their

'What brings you here?' With a nod Enj's way to include him, Rhodry spoke in the Deverrian patois.

'A warning for you,тАЩ Evandar said in the same. 'Are you heading south?'

'We are. Cengarn's under siege. Did you know that?'

'Of course. I know everything that's worth knowing about this war, Rhodry Maelwaedd.'

'Oh, do you now? Then where's the relieving army? We'll be looking to join up with it.'

'Go to Lin Serr first. Garin and his troop of axemen haven't left yet.'

'What? I'd have thought them long gone.'

тАШThere's an obstacle in their way.' Evandar flashed him a grin. 'A small army's tramping round the