"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

'How long till we reach Lin Serr?' Enj said.

'On her back? No more than three days, more likely a pair.'

'There's some food left, but not much. If we could wait a day, I could catch us more.'

'Truly, I've never seen a man as good as you at foraging in the wild country. But time's short.'

Enj nodded, glancing away upriver, where once the magical lake and island of Haen Marn had sat upon
the countryside like a bowl on a table. By its dweomer it had vanished, taking itself away from marauders
and the dangers of war - how or where, they didn't know. With it, though, had gone Enj's kin and clan,
his home and his entire life, leaving behind only a long stretch of empty grass, green in the bright sun.

'I was just thinking,' Enj said in a shaking voice. 'That it may be that the isle will return, with the danger
gone off south.'

тАШThink it likely?'

Enj shrugged. His eyes were brimming tears.

'Tell me somewhat,' Rhodry went on. 'Have you ever marched to war?'

Enj shook his head no.

'I thought as much. Here, why don't you let me take what food we have, and you stay here to hunt and
wait. I've seen you in wild country, and I know that you can live here for years if you have to. If the war
ends soon, I'll come back. If Haen Marn returns, you come south and find me.'

'Will you think me a coward if I stay, Rori?'

'Never, my friend. Never that.'

Enj started to speak, then wept, covering his face with his hands. Rhodry got up and strolled down to
the river to join Arzosah.

'The small creature's snivelling again,' she remarked.

'He's no warrior. Let him weep. If my soul weren't dead, I'd weep too.'
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'Your soul is dead?' She swung her massive head round fast to look at him. Water drops gleamed
among the scales on her chin.

'Just a way of speaking.'

'Never ever say such a horrid thing again! It curdles my blood, just hearing the words. Don't you realize