"Otis Adelbert Kline - Man from the Moon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kline Otis Adelbert)all her lands and seas.
and man, the greatest mammal of them all, was When I was born, Crown Prince of Magong, slowly battling his way to world supremacy with my people had reached an advanced state of crude weapons and implements of wood and stone. civilization, for much can be accomplished in a On my return to Magong, after visiting the million historical years. For more than ten inner planets, I importuned my father to permit me thousand years, Magong had been in 6 Otis Adelbert Kline Man from the Moon Amazing Stories, October, 1930 to visit Jupiter. This he flatly refused to do. The demand their release or fight, but was met half way trip, he said, was too long and dangerous for one of by a fleet of Martian warships. my years. Furthermore, only one, out of a thousand T of our most skillful and experienced navigators, HE contest that ensued was short and who had attempted the trip, had returned to tell of disastrous. My fleet used the cold, energy- it. I had to be content, therefore, with several trips decreasing green ray of condensation, which to Mars, where I, as Crown Prince of Magong, was we had developed тАУ the enemy fleet, the hot, always received with such pomp and splendor that energy-increasing red ray of dispersion. We had I wished I might be permitted to go incognito and developed our inter-rotating green rays to such a small pleasure was denied me. contract to less than one-hundredth of its normal At twenty-five, I was made commander-in- size with a corresponding increase in density. The chief of MagongтАЩs interplanetary navies. Shortly toughest metals, under this ray, would become as thereafter, trouble developed between my father brittle as egg shells and more dense than pure lead. and Lido Kan, Supreme Ruler of Mars. It seems The effect of the red rays of the Martians was that a number of Martians, jealous of the economic the opposite, but fully as devastating, as these rays, progress made by our colonists on that planet, had rotating in receding spirals, tore the atoms apart on gone to Lido Kan with tales of woe, insisting that contact, making the heaviest metals less dense than they be deported. So strong was the pressure they the atmosphere in an instant. When a green ray met brought to bear on him, that he finally took the a red ray of equal intensity, they neutralized each matter up with my father. The reply of my father other. was courteous, but firm. He insisted that if his By superior maneuvering, I managed to wipe people were to be deported from Mars, the Martian out the last Martian battleship when I had lost all colony must also leave Magong. Lido Kan argued but the flagship of my fleet. This had been badly that his people had created no disturbance on crippled by a red ray, and after making temporary Magong, and no dissension among the subjects of repairs, I limped sadly back to port. my father, which was true enough, and my father On the face of my father, when I reported to naturally retorted that his subjects were too him in the throne room that day, was a look, courteous to even think of bringing up such a sterner than any matter. I had ever seen him wear. One word led to another, and things went тАЬMy son,тАЭ he said. тАЬWar is a terrible thing тАУ from bad to worse, until a group of Martians the worst affliction that can come to humanity тАУ attacked and massacred the inhabitants of one of but it is at hand and we must meet it like men. The our settlements. My father instantly demanded an Martians have made a start by wiping out our |