"C M Kornbluth - The Events Leading Down To Tragedy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kornbluth C M)тАвтАвdemand it, somewhat eclipsed at present by the flashy and mysti-oi "molecular theory" of the notorious
Tory sympathizer and rene- тАвJd*Benjamin Thompson, styled "Count" Rumford. "A fool can тАвN*┬╗* find a bigger fool to admire him." [Quote in orig. French? Check source and exact text HS] sure"тАФtypical of his scientist's passion for precision. Yet again, he would speak of the glorious Age of Pericles, saying fervently: "Spoynte, I would give anything, do anything, to look upon ancient Athens in its flower!" Now, I claim no genius inspired my rejoinder. I was merely "the right man in the right place." I replied: "Dr. Mord, your wish to visit ancient Athens could be no more fervent than mine to visit Major Waiting's horse barn at milking time the evening of July 17, 1789." here! HS] drop an impenetrable veil of secrecy over certain episodes, for reasons which I have already stated. I am, however, in a position to state with absolute authority that there was NO apparition at Major Watling's horse barn at milking time the evening ofтАФ [Steady on, Hardeign. Think. Think. Major W. turned. I looked about No apparitions, spooks, goblins. Just Major W. and myself. He looked at me and made a curious sort of face. No. Nonono. Can't be. Oh, my God! / was theтАФFault all mine. Duel, feud. Traitor to dear Eleusis. Feel sick. . . . HS] DOCUMENT TWO Being a note delivered by Mrs. Irving McGuinness, Domestic, to Miss Agnes DeW. Stolp, President, the Tuscarora Township Historical Society |