"Nancy Kress - Evolution" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kress Nancy)know there are things you can't apologize for.
"Eliz...Betty, I'm not here about the past. I'm here about Dr. Bennett's murder." "That doesn't have anything to do with me." "It has to do with all of us. Dan Moore lives next door to you." I don't say anything. "He and Ceci and Jim Dyer and Tom Brunelli are the ringleaders in a secret organization to close Emerton Memorial Hospital. They think the hospital is a breeding ground for the infections resistant to every antibiotic except endozine. Well, they're right about that -- all hospitals are. But Dan and his group are determined to punish any doctor who prescribes endozine, so that no organisms develop a resistance to it, too, and it's kept effective in case one of _them_ needs it." "Sylvia -- " the name tastes funny in my mouth, after all this time " -- I'm telling you this doesn't have anything to do with me." "And I'm telling you it does. We need you, Eliz...Betty. You live next door to Dan and Ceci. You can tell us when they leave the house, who comes to it, anything suspicious you see. We're not a vigilante group, Betty, like they are. We aren't doing anything illegal. We don't kill people, and we don't blow up bridges, and we don't threaten people like the Nordstrums who get endozine for their sick kids but are basically uneducated blue collar -- " She stops. Jack and I are basically uneducated blue collar. I say coldly, "I can't help you, Sylvia." "I'm sorry, Betty. That wasn't what I meant. Look, this is more important than anything that happened a decade and a half ago! Don't you caught in this thing. It's already a public health crisis as big as the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918, and it's only just started! Drug-resistant bacteria can produce a new generation every twenty minutes, they can swap resistent genes not only within a species but across _different_ species. The bacteria are _winning_. And people like the Moores are taking advantage of that to contribute further to the breakdown of even basic social decency." In high school Sylvia had been on the debating team. But so, in that other life, had I. "If the Moores' group is trying to keep endozine from being used, then aren't they also fighting against the development of more drug-resistant bacteria? And if that's so, aren't they the ones, not you, who are ultimately aiding the country's public health?" "Through dynamiting. And intimidation. And murder. Betty, I know you don't approve of those things. I wouldn't be here telling you about our countergroup if I thought you did. Before I came here, we looked very carefully at you. At the kind of person you are. Are now. You and your husband are law-abiding people, you vote, you make a contribution to the Orphans of AIDS Fund, you -- " "How did you know about that? That's supposed to be a secret contribution!" " -- you signed the petition to protect the homeless from harassment. Your husband served on the jury that convicted Paul Keene of fraud, even though his real-estate scheme was so good for the economy of Emerton. You -- " |