"Nancy Kress - Saviour" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kress Nancy) ALIEN FIELD MAY BE FORM OF BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE,
SAY SCIENTISTS AT STANFORD NOBEL PRIZE WINNER RIDICULES STANFORD STATEMENT MINNESOTA STATE COURT THROWS OUT CASE CLAIMING CONTAMINATED GROUND WATER NEAR ALIEN OBJECT SPACE SHIELD MAY BE PENETRATED BY UNDETECTED COSMIC RAYS, SAYS FRENCH SCIENTIST SPACE-OBJECTT-SHIRTS RULED OBSCENE BY LOCAL TOURIST COUNCIL, REMOVED FROM VENDOR STANDS NEUTRINO STREAM TURNED BACK FROM SPACE SHIELD IN EXPENSIVE HIGH-TECH FIASCO: Congress to Review All Peer-Judged Science Funding WOMAN CLAIMS UNDER HYPNOSIS TO HEAR VOICES FROM SPACE OBJECTтАФKENT STATE SCIENTISTS INVESTIGATING PRESIDENT LOSES ELECTION BY LARGEST MARGIN EVER "MY TWIN SONS WERE FATHERED BY THE OBJECT," CLAIMS SENATOR'S DAUGHTER, RESISTS DNA TESTING **** Jim Cowell, contemptuous of the senator's daughter, was forced to acknowledge that he had waited a lifetime for his own irrational belief to be justified. Which it never had. "Just a little farther, Dad," Barbara said. "You OK?" Cowell nodded in his wheelchair, and slowed it to match Barbara's pace. She wheezed a little these days; losing weight wouldn't hurt her. He had learned over the years not to mention this. Ahead, the last check-point materialized out of the fog. A bored soldier leaned out of the low window, his face lit by the glow of a holoscreen. "Yes?" "We have authorization to approach the object," Cowell said. He could never think of it as anything else, despite all the names the tabloid press had hung on it over the last decades. The Alien Invader. The Space Fizzle. Silent Alien Cal. "Approach for retina scan," the soldier said. Cowell wheeled his chair to the checker, leaned in close. "OK, you're cleared. Ma'am? OK. Proceed." The soldier stuck his head back in the window, and the screen made one of the elaborate noises that accompanied the latest hologame. |