"Nancy Kress - Wetlands Preserve" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kress Nancy)"No," Lisa said. "I don't shop around much."
"Good stuff. No pesticides, no fertilizers. I thought I'd make a salad. Do you like salad, Carlo?" "Yes!" said Carlo, who liked everything. "I got some peaches and cherries, too." Lisa's mouth filled with sweet water. She made herself say, "Thank you, Danilo. But you should knock, you know. It's good manners." She looked pointedly at Carlo. "You're right. I will. Carlo, watch this." Danilo tossed cherries in the air, caught them in his mouth, mimed exaggerated satisfaction. Carlo laughed, and so Danilo hammed it up more, until the little boy was whooping with laughter. "Now Carlo's turn." "Pit them first, Danny," Lisa said quickly. He had always swallowed the cherry pits. Oh God, Danny тАж it had just slipped out. Danilo played with Carlo all evening. It wasn't until Carlo was in bed that Lisa could throw Danilo out. "You can't do this." "Do what?" he said. "Get Carlo used to you, enjoying you, then disappear again." "Isn't that what 'uncles' do?" Danilo said, and they were facing each other, bristling like cats. "Danilo, what are you really doing here? I looked up EarthAction on the web. They're suspected in half a dozen environmental bombings. A pesticide factory in Mexico, a supermarket in Germany that refused to remove genetically modified foods from its shelves, a Monsanto distributor in South Africa, a whaling operation in Japan." "Nothing proven whatsoever," Danilo said. "Mostly because you haven't hit anything in the United States. God, Danilo, a supermarket?" "Do you know how dangerous those genetically modified foods are? The growers use two to five times the pesticides that regular farmers use. Worse, nobody knows the long-term effects of introducing organisms into the environment that didn't develop there naturally. We could be looking at global disaster down the road, just so the agri-industrial complex can boost its profits now." "You used to believe that violence was descending to the level of the enemy!" "And all that peaceful confrontation failed, didn't it? Did you breast-feed Carlo, Lisa? You probably had toxic organochlorines in your breast milk. Do you read the newspaper when you're not in that swampy ivory tower of yours? Did you read about the fish depletion on the Grand Banks because of overfishing? The drought in Africa because of climate shifts due to the actions of industrial countries? The destruction of sustainable, diverse agriculture because of one-crop genetically engineered planting with God-knows-what side effects? The ninety-six people in ManilaтАФ" He stopped, breathing hard. |