"Henry Kuttner - Private Eye" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kuttner Henry)

тАЬAstrologers! No, it wasnтАЩt either. The ones I mean went in for
symbolism. They used to spin prayer wheels and say тАШA rose is a rose is a
rose,тАЩ didnтАЩt they? To free the unconscious mind?тАЭ

тАЬYouтАЩve got the typical laymanтАЩs attitude toward antique psychiatric

тАЬWell, maybe they had something, at that. Look at quinine and
digitalis. The United Amazon natives used those long before science
discovered them. But why use eye of newt and toe of frog? To impress the

тАЬNo, to convince themselves,тАЭ the Sociologist said. тАЬIn those days the
study of mental aberrations drew potential psychotics, so naturally there
was unnecessary mumbo-jumbo. Those medi-cos were trying to fix their
own mental imbalance while they treated their patients. But itтАЩs a science
today, not a religion. WeтАЩve found out how to allow for individual psychotic
deviation in the psychiatrist himself, so weтАЩve got a better chance of finding
true north. However, letтАЩs get on with this. Try ultraviolet. Oh, never mind.
SomebodyтАЩs letting him out of that closet. The devil with it. I think weтАЩve cut
back far enough. Even if he was frightened by a thunderstorm at the age of
three months, that can be filed under Gestalt and ignored. LetтАЩs run through
this chronologically. Give it the screening forтАжletтАЩs see. Incidents involving
these persons: Vanderman, Mrs. Vanderman, Josephine WellsтАФand these
places: the office, VandermanтАЩs apartment. ClayтАЩs placeтАФтАЭ

тАЬGot it.тАЭ

тАЬLater we can recheck for complicating factors. Right now weтАЩll run
the superficial survey. Verdict first, evidence later,тАЭ he added, with a grin.
тАЬAll we need is a motiveтАФтАЭ

тАЬWhat about this?тАЭ


A girl was talking to Sam Clay. The background was an apartment, grade

тАЬIтАЩm sorry, Sam. ItтАЩs just thatтАжwell, these things happen.тАЭ

тАЬYeah. VandermanтАЩs got something I havenтАЩt got, apparently.тАЭ

тАЬIтАЩm in love with him.тАЭ

тАЬFunny. I thought all along you were in love with me.тАЭ

тАЬSo did I ... for a while.тАЭ

тАЬWell, forget it. No, IтАЩm not angry, Bea. IтАЩll even wish you luck. But you