"THE TRAIL TO SEVEN PINES" - читать интересную книгу автора (L'Amour Louis) I
A, Hopalong vanished through thei wide-mouthed door Pony Harper stepped from the deep shadows of a stall. As he strode up to Rawhide his face was dark with irritation. "You fool!" he said. "Why brace him about what Lock said? What difference does it make what he said, or whether he said anything at all? If he did say anything, this hombre will tell it, and if he didn't, there's no use makin' the man suspicious." "Aw, shucks!" Rawhide replied sullenly. "Who's he to get suspicious?" "Who he is," Harper said unpleasantly, "I don't know, but don't you push trouble with that hombre unless you want to throw lead. That's one gent who's not bluffin'!" Harper turned on his heel and left the fuming gunman behind him. Despite his words, he was worried. That Jesse Lock had talked before he died was obvious. He had taken time to tell this stranger about his brother, and he might have said more. Still, what could he have seen on such a night? What would he have to tell? It was barely possible he had recognized someone, but that chance was small. The best course was to sit tight and 20 I 22 THE TRAIL TO SEVEN PINES see what would develop . . . give this stranger time to drift out of the country. Worst of all, Thacker was dead, and the manner of his death sent a cold chill up Harper's spine. Had they guessed his mission? Or had Thacker himself spoken? Hopalong Cassidy headed for the nearest saloon, then changed his course. A sign down the street advertised: katie regan for steak, eggs, and pie. He went up the boardwalk who slept with his head pillowed on his arms, the place seemed to be empty. The bell that tinkled to warn of his coming did not disturb the cowhand but brought a girl with a very pretty face from the kitchen. Her black hair was gathered atop a beautifully shaped head, and her blue eyes were flecked with darker color. She inspected him curiously, and he grinned response. "Howdy! I'll take the steak, eggs, and pie." She came into the room holding a large ladle and pushing up a strand of hair. "Don't give me that!" she said severely. " Tis steak and pie, or eggs and pie, and either will cost you two bits!" "Bring me both of 'em," Hopalong said seriously. "The biggest, thickest, juiciest steak you've got, and make that four eggs instead of two! If you've got some beans, throw in a mess of them." "The beans go with either order, but that order will cost you six bits. Have you got that much?" "If I haven't," he said, grinning, "I'll wash dishes!" "Oh, no, you don't!" she flashed. "Every cowhand this side 21 23 LOUIS L'AMOUR of Dakota has tried that! And then when they get into the kitchen it isn't washing dishes they think of! You'll pay-and cash!" Hopalong's dollar rang on the tabletop. "All right, Katie! Feed me!" Swiftly she scooped up the dollar and dropped it in her apron pocket. "Sit down and I'll be right back." She turned. "How do you want that steak?" |