"Mercedes Lackey - Valdemar Anthology - Sun in Glory" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lackey Mercedes)

Table of Contents
Errold's Journey by Catherine S. McMullen
The Cat Who Came to Dinner by Nancy Asire
Winter Death by Michelle West
A Herald's Rescue by Mickey Zucker Reichert
In the Eye of the Beholder by Josepha Sherman
Trance Tower Garrison by Fiona Patton
Starhaven by Stephanie Shaver
Rebirth by Judith Tarr
Brock by Tanya Huff
True Colors by Michael Longcor
Touches the Earth by Brenda Cooper
Icebreaker by Rosemary Edghill
Sun in Glory by Mercedes Lackey

by Catherine S. McMullen
Catherine S. McMullen was just twelve years old at the time of the writing of this story. She wrote her
first story when she was seven, but that one is still buried in a drawer somewhere. She has had six stories
published professionally or sold, starting with "Teddy Cat" in the August 1999 Interzone. She has been
involved in the writing community since she was two, and is constantly reminded that many people used to
know her when she was "just a kid." She loves to write, and is fascinated by the peculiarities of the English
language. She is also an avid reader and has read as many as one thousand books in one year. Her work
has appeared in such venues as Interzone, A Drop of Imagination, Spinouts, and Thrillogies.
Ma'ar was closing in, and while everyone was to be evacuated from the Tower area eventually, the
non-combatants were leaving first. Urthro didn't want anyone nearby who would panic and cause
Some large groups had already been sent to places far enough away to be safe from Ma'ar.
Everyone was being spread out so thinly that Ma'ar would never have a large group close to him. It was
true that the precautions might not be necessary. Ma'ar might eventually be defeated, but unfortunately it
was unlikely to happen now, if ever.
I looked at the organized chaos and turned to Master Thomas. I had not counted on being part of
the evacuation. I was apprenticed to a great war mage! Surely we would be needed?
"If we're packing our tent, we are going to be evacuated, Master Thomas. I am right in assuming
"You are correct, Errold. You and I are going to go with a large group, about three hundred
people, who are to be Gated to safety. The requirements of precisely where are not very rigid, the place
just has to be fairly safe: that is, not a swamp or a lava pit, and very, very far away. It will be a one-way
Gate; once we are gone, we will be cut off from Urtho's camp permanently. Ahhh, and I can see another
question in your eyes. Why are we going with this particular group? They need us as mages: to heal, to
defend, and to lead. The group was most reassured when they were told that we were to come with
them. They asked for a mage because where they are to be Gated is the farthest away of all. We don't
even know what animals live there, what the land is like, or even if there are any other humans there. This
group is a special case, and you and I fit the requirements. More people have been watching your
development as a healer than you realize. My leadership experience, and probably my reputation, help
keep the group together."
"But what about the war here? Don't they need you to help defeat Ma'ar?"
"I am known as a very powerful war mage, I'll grant you that. But what about the people who are
being scattered? Who will teach them our skills? Besides, I want to have a place to settle down, where I