"Mercedes Lackey - Valdemar Anthology - Sun in Glory" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lackey Mercedes)after the GodтАЩs people, not to find ways to increase his own standing. But if there was any
time to journey to Sunhame, to see the Temple again, and possibly to be present at the elevation of the new Son of the Sun, this was it. And so, the following morning Reulan set forth, carrying a light pack filled with provisions enough to see him there and back. The villagers had wished him a good journey and smiled to see their priest and his always-present cat set off down the dusty road to the south. Long accustomed to physical activity, Reulan soon settled into his walking stride, an easy gait that would carry him to his stopping place for the night without leaving him exhausted. He glanced down at Khar who trotted alongside, and shook his head. If he hadnтАЩt thought his eyes were deceiving him, he would have sworn that Khar had grown overnight. The biggest cat he had ever seen now appeared even bigger. тАЬWell, Khar,тАЭ he said conversationally, тАЬare you happy now? WeтАЩre off to Sunhame and your fish.тАЭ :And possibly more than that,: was the catтАЩs reply. Reulan waited for Khar to continue, but the cat fell silent. Reulan shook his head. Cats. Some of the most secretive creatures ever born, it ill served a human to attempt to pry information from them. Even ones who spoke. The setting sun to his right, Reulan and Khar entered the next village south of Sweetwater. His black robes and gold chain of office would grant him food and rest wherever he chose to stop, but he aimed for the chapel, knowing that FaroaksтАЩ own priest would welcome him for the night. And he was correct, for as he approached the chapel to attend its own sunset service, Dhadi stood at the doors, waiting for the villagers who chose to attend the service. тАЬReulan!тАЭ the priest said, extending his hand in greeting. тАЬWhat brings you to Faroaks?тАЭ His eyes fell on the cat, who sat at ReulanтАЩs side, breathing a bit heavily from the huge!тАЭ Reulan glanced at Khar and started. If possible, Khar had grown even more during the walk from Sweetwater. тАЬHe adopted me,тАЭ he explained lamely, feeling as if he had blundered into some story. And Dhadi only knew the half of it. Reulan smiled what he hoped was his most disarming smile. тАЬIтАЩm on my way to Sunhame for the Summer Solstice and if I could spend the night with you, IтАЩd be most appreciative.тАЭ тАЬOf course,тАЭ Dhadi said. тАЬCome in, Reulan. The sunтАЩs nearly set and I must light the Night Candle.тАЭ He looked slightly askance at Khar. тАЬDoes he follow you even to services?тАЭ тАЬHeтАЩs one of the GodтАЩs creatures,тАЭ Reulan responded. тАЬIf you donтАЩt mind, heтАЩll come with me.тАЭ For a moment, Reulan thought Dhadi would refuse, but his fellow priest merely shook his head and gestured inside. тАЬStranger things have happened,тАЭ he murmured. тАЬYou and your cat are welcome, Reulan. The GodтАЩs blessing be on both of you.тАЭ *** After assisting Dhadi in celebrating the rising sun and sharing a wholesome breakfast with his fellow priest, Reulan set out on the road again. He had not even reached the fields when he noticed several villagers following after. With the breeze at his back, he overheard snatches of conversation, not a bit of which was devoted to him. No, it was Khar they spoke about. Finally, curiosity triumphed and one of the men trotted up to ReulanтАЩs side. тАЬBegging your pardon, sunтАЩs-ray,тАЭ he said, dipping his head in an abbreviated bow. тАЬMe and my friends, well, weтАЩve never seen such a cat as the one youтАЩve got. HeтАЩs near big as my dog.тАЭ Reulan shrugged uncomfortably. тАЬYou think heтАЩs big? You should see the mice in Sweetwater!тАЭ |