"Glenda Larke - Heart of the Mirage" - читать интересную книгу автора (Larke Glenda)playing idly with the gold rings on the other. His nails were manicured and
polished, and he smelled of moonflowers and musk. Suspended over his head, a long reed fan swayed to and fro to stir the warm air. There was no sign of the slaves who operated it; doubtless some mechanism enabled them to perform the task from an adjacent room. When he looked away for a moment to glance at Rathrox, I risked a quick look myself. The Magister leant against the cushions of another divan but his thin, stiff body made no indent on the upholstery, his hands were rigidly still. I was unused to seeing him in the role of a subordinate, unused to seeing him tense. He seemed out of place, like an ugly, foul-smelling insect that had flown into the perfumed boudoir of some highborn lady and didn't know how to escape. Behind him, a marble fireplace dominated the other end of the room, flanked by a clutter of gilded furniture, painted amphorae and too many exotic ornaments. Lion skins, the glass eyes of their heads powerless to express outrage at the ignominy of their fate, were scattered here and there on the carpet. A full-sized statue had its own wall recess, two figures entwined in grotesque embrace: a reminder of the sibling founders of Tyr whose relationship had so repulsed the gods they'd punished the city with the plague. I wanted to let my gaze wander around the room, to mock the luxury of it, but the one brief glance was all etiquette allowed me. I had to give my full attention to the Exaltarch. His shrewd eyes lingered on me, speculating. I continued to kneel, awaiting permission to rise, or to speak, but the only sound was the murmur of running water all around us. Tiled fountains set into the walls, or so I guessed. I air of the desert-season or, once heated, warming the cold air of the snow-season тАФ but I'd heard that in the palace they were thought to perform another function as well. They made it hard for slaves to eavesdrop. A minute crawled by in silence while we stared at one another. What the Vortex was so damned interesting about me? I didn't dare let my eyes drop. 'You are not what I expected,' he said finally, in the smooth-accented speech of the highborn. 'You may stand if you wish.' I scrambled to my feet. T was only the General's adopted daughter,' I said. 'If you look for signs of General Gayed in me, you won't find them, Exalted.' 'No,' he agreed. 'And Gayed was ever a man of action. I'm told you have more of a talent for deviousness, and are well suited to the machinations of the Brotherhood. Rathrox tells me you have an uncanny instinct for the truth тАФ or a lie тАФ on the tongue of a prisoner. He says torture is almost obsolete in the Cages since you took on the important interrogations.' 'Lies come easily to the tongues of the tortured, Exalted. They will say anything to ease their pain. My way is better.' 'What is your way?' 'To assess each reply and use, what? A woman's intuition? I do not know, Exalted. It is just a knack I have. And if a man does not tell the truth тАФ well, a lie can sometimes be equally revealing.' He looked at me curiously, his attention finely focused. 'How long have you had this ability?' 'Since 1 was a child.' It had always been there, but I'd learned young to hide |