"Laumer, Keith - Retief 3 - Retief's War" - читать интересную книгу автора (Laumer Keith)businessmen," Seymour growled.
"What does the Corps want here, anyway?" Leon demanded. "Quopp was doing all rightЧwith a little help from Terry free enterprises; then along comes a bunch of CDT Johnnies getting everything organized, and all of a sudden us Terries are undesirable aliens." Retief refilled glasses. "Admittedly, some of the measures selected by our Chief of Mission may seem paradoxical at first glance. But that's just because you haven't entered into the spirit of the game. All of the measures Ambassador Longspoon has takenЧrestrictions on private enterprise by Terrans, establishment of the Planetary Police, free goods for the indigent, subsidies for Voion commercial enterprise, and the restЧare designed to bring peace and plenty to the downtrodden locals whom you fellows have been exploiting." "What do you mean, exploiting?" Big Leon's fist hit the table. "Why, a hundred years ago, when the first Terries hit Quopp, there was nothing here but wild Bugs living in grass huts and eating each other. We laid out the towns, built trails, started 'em in on a little cottage industry and intertribal trade. We brought in electronics men to be country G.P.'s, developed new lines of merchandise to make life more beautiful for the Quopp in the street, and taught 'em the idea of civilization. Sure, we made a good profitЧbut they've got their money's worth every step of the way!" "Still, Leon, now that you've put Quopp on the star maps, competition has set in. Our friends the Groaci aren't going to let this world drift into the Terry camp without a struggle. They've set up a string of trading posts along the other coast of Continent One, and they're doing a brisk trade in miniature Tri-D's, "Direct competition with us!" Jerry burst out. "The copy-cats!" "Of course," Retief went on, "no self-respecting diplomat could let the challenge pass without making an effort to out-enlighten the opposition. Whatever the Groaci do, we have to do biggerЧ" "Why?" Seymour grunted. "Why does a golfer have to hit the golf ball?" Retief riposted. "Such is the challenge of diplomacy." "But why this sudden compulsion to unite the planet under a single governmentЧand with the Voion in charge, of all people!" Jerry looked indignant. "You know we can't even travel inland to look over the markets?" Big Leon said. "You know why? The Voion! They're all over like a land-lubber's lunchЧwaving clubs and telling us where we can and can't go!" "Longspoon's made a mistake, backing the Voion," Big Leon said. "There's not a Bug on the planet doesn't hate their main windings. Slavers and dope-runners, con artists, highway robbers, and second-story menЧthat's what they wereЧuntil this idea of reforming 'em and putting badges on 'em |