"Close enough, Off-worlder," the Tsugg said
in a somewhat squeaky baritone. "What would
ye here? Yer hutch lieth in the next street
Retief smiled gently at the bearlike Oberonian,
12 Keith Laumer
who loomed over the crowd, his eyes almost
on a level with Relief's own, his bulk far
greater. "I want to buy a jelly doughnut," the
Terran said. "Your lads seem to be blocking
the doorway."
"Aroint thee, Terry; seek refreshment else-
where. Being somewhat fatigued with cam-
paigning, I plan to honor this low dive with
my custom; my bullies must needs enlarge the
door to comport with my noble dimensions."
"That won't be convenient," Retief said
smoothly. "When I want a jelly doughnut I
want it now." He took a step toward the door;
the pistol jumped at him. The other Tsuggs
were gathering around, hefting crowbars.
"Ah-ah," Relief cautioned, raising a fingerў
and at the same moment swung his foot in a
short arc that ended just under the gunhandler's
knee joint. The victim emitted a sharp yap
and leaned forward far enough for his jaw to
intersect the course of Relief's left fist. Retief
palmed the gun deftly as the Tsugg staggered
backward into the arms of his companions.
"Aroint thee, lads," the giant muttered re-
proachfully to his supporters, shaking his head
dazedly. "We've been boon drinking chums
these six Lesser Moons, and this is the first
time ye've give me any of the good stuff...."
"Spread out, lads," one of the Tsuggs or-
dered his companions. "We'll pound this knave
into a thin paste."
"Better relax, gentlemen," Retief suggested.
"This gun is messy at short range."