minated. "Those scapegrace villains lording it
over us honest folk! Perish the thought, Sir
Retief! I trow I'd sooner have the Five-eyes
"At least they maintained a degree of con-
trol over the ne'er-do-wells," Prinkle said, "re-
stricting them to their hills and caves."
"As will we, lad, once the election is con-
summated," Uncle Binkster reminded the
youth. "Naturally, we Twilpritts stand ready
to assume the burden of policing the rabble,
as is only right and natural, so soon as our
slate is elected, by reason of our superior
"Hark not to the old dodderer's maunder-
ings. Giant," a tiny voice peeped from the
next table. A miniature Oberonian, no more
than nine inches tall, raised his one-ounce
glass in salute. "We Chimberts, being Nature's
noblemen, are of course divinely appointed to
a position of primacy among these lumbering
brutes, saving your presence, milordў"
"Dost hear a dust-cricket chirping in the
woodwork?" a medium-sized Oberonian with
Keith Laumer
black circles resembling spectacles around his
eyes inquired loudly from three tables away.
" 'Twere plain e'en to an Outworlder that we
Choobs are the rightful inheritors of the man-
tle of superiority. Once in office we'll put an
end to such public rantings."
"You in office?" Prinkle yelped. "O'er my
dead corse, varlet!" He leaped up, slopping
beer as he cocked his arm to peg the mug at
the offender.
"Stay, Nephew!" Uncle Binkster restrained
the youth. "Pay no heed to the wretch. Doubt-
less he's in his cupsў"