"LeGuin, Ursula K. - The DispossessedUC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Le Guin Ursula K)

"The clothes are burned?"

"Oh, those are cheap pajamas, service issueЧwear *em
and throw 'em away, it costs less than cleaning."

"It costs less," Shevek repeated meditatively. He said the
words the way a paleootologist looks at a fossil, the
fossil that dates a whole stratum.

"I'm afraid your luggage must have got lost in that final
rush for the ship. I hope there was nothing important in it."

"I brought nothing," Shevek said. Though Ins suit had
been bleached almost to white and bad shrunk a bit, it
still fit, and the harsh familiar touch of holum-fiber cloth
was pleasant. He felt like himself again. He sat down on
the bed facing the doctor and said, "You see, I know you

dont take things, as we do. In your world, in Urras, one
must buy things. I come to your world, I have no money,
I cannot buy. therefore I should bring. But how much
can I bring? Clothing, yes, I might bring two suits. But
food? How can I bring food enough? I cannot bring, I
cannot buy. If I am to be kept alive, you must give it to
roe. I am an Anarresti, I make the Urrasti behave like
Anarresti: to give. not to seIL If you like. Of course, it is
not necessary to keep me alive! I am the Beggarman, you

*'0t, not at all, sir, no, no. You're a very honored guest
Please don't judge us by the crew of this ship, they're
very ignorant, limited menЧyou have no idea of the wel-
come youll get on Urras. After an you're a world-famous
Чa galactically famous scientist! And our first visitor from
Anarres! I assure you, things will be very different when
we come into Peier Field."

'I do not doubt they will be different," Shevek said.

The Moon Run normally took four and a half days each
way, but this time five days of habituation time for the
passenger were added to the return trip. Shevek and Dr.
Kimoe spent them in vaccinations and conversations. The
captain of the Mindful spent them in maintaining orbit
around Urras. and swearing. When he tad to speak to
Shevefc, he did so with uneasy disrespect. The doctor, who
was ready to explain everything, had his analysis ready:

"He's used to looking on all foreigners as inferior, as less