"LeGuin, Ursula K. - The DispossessedUC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Le Guin Ursula K)not. I am called Shevek."
The doctor, a short, fair, bald man, grimaced with anxiety. "You should be in your cabin, sirЧdanger of in- fectionЧyou weren't to be in contact with anybody but me, I've been through two weeks of disinfection for noth- ing, God damn that captain! Please come with me, sir. I'll be held responsibleЧ" Shevek perceived that the little man was upset He felt no compunction, no sympathy; but even where he was, in absolute solitude, the one law held, the one law he had ever acknowledged. "All right," he said, and stood up. He still felt dizzy, and his right shoulder hurt. He knew the ship must be moving, but there was no sense of mo- tion; there was only a silence, an awful, utter silence, just outside the walls. The doctor led him through silent metal corridors to a room. It was a very small room, with seamed, blank walls. It repelled Shevek, reminding him of a place he did not want to remember. He stopped in the doorway. But the doctor He sat down on the shelf-like bed, still feeling light- headed and lethargic, and watched the doctor incuriously. He felt he ought to be curious; this man was the first Ur" rasti he had ever seen. But he was too tired. He could have lain back and gone straight to sleep. He had been up all the night before, going through his papers. Three days ago he had seen Takver and the chil- dren off to Peace-and-Plenty, and ever since then he had been busy, running out to the radio tower to exchange last-minute messages with people on Unas, discussing plans and possibilities with Bedap and the others. All through those hurried days, ever since Takver left, he had felt not that he was doing all the things he did, but that they were doing him. He had been in other people's bands. 6 His own will had not acted. It had had no need to act. It was his own will that had started it all, that had created this moment and these walls about him now. How long ago? Years. Five years ago, in the silence of night in Chakar in tke mountains, when he had said to Takver, "I will go to Abbenay and unbuild walls." Before then, even; |