"LeGuin, Ursula K. - The DispossessedUC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Le Guin Ursula K)He could not. The door was locked.
Shevek's first incredulity turned to rage, a kind of rage, a blind will to violence, which he had never felt before in his life. He wrenched at the immovable door handle, slammed his hands against the slick metal of the door, then turned and jabbed the call button, which the doctor had told him to use at need. Nothing happened. There were a lot of other little numbered buttons of different colors on the intercom panel; he hit his hand across the whole lot of them. The wall speaker began to babble, "Who the hell yes coming right away out clear what from twenty-twoЧХ* Shevek drowned them all out: "Unlock the doorl" The door slid open, the doctor looked in. At the sight of his bald, anxious, yellowish face Shevek's wrath cooled and retreated into an inward darkness. He said, "The door was locked." *Tm sorry. Dr. ShevekЧa precautionЧcontagionЧл keeping the others outЧ" "To lock out, to lock in, the same act," Shevek said looking down at the doctor with light, remote eyes. "SafetyЧ" "Safety? Must I be kept in a box?** "The officers* lounge," the doctor offered hurriedly, ap- peasingly. "Are you hungry, sir? Perhaps you'd like to get dressed and we'll go to the lounge.** Shevek looked at the doctor's dothing: tight blue trou- sers tucked into boots that looked as smooth and fine aa doth themselves; a violet tunic open down the front and reclosed with silver frogs; and under that, showing only at, neck and wrists, a knit shirt of dazzling white. "I am not dressed?" Shevek inquired at last "Oh, pajamas will do, by all means. No formalities on a, freighteri'* "Pajamas?" "What you're wearing. Sleeping clothes.** ''Clothes to wear while sleeping?" |