"Fritz Leiber - Best of Fritz Leiber" - читать интересную книгу автора (Leiber Fritz)

or a prehensile tail eight feet long, orтАж and at the same time is perfectly safe and canтАЩt bother or involve
or infect or dominate you in any way?тАЭ

тАФconsider this machinery, and when you are done laughing, consider the latest issue of Playboy.

A slightly similar minor motif occurs hi The Wanderer. This novel concerns the effects on a large and
varied cast of characters of a mobile planet coming near Earth. All kinds of things happen, all
fascinating. But I have a reason for singling out the relationship, which eventually becomes erotic,
between the human Paul and the highly evolved, feline-like Tigerishka. Leiber flinches no more from
the fact that we are sexual beings than he does from the fact that we are limited, usually ridiculous, and
ultimately mortal. This quotation will at least give you some extra words of his:

After a space he came slowly floating up out of the infinite softness of that bottomless black bed, and
there were the stars again, and Tigerishka lifted up a little above him so that very faintly, by starlight, he
saw the violet of her petaled irises and the bronzy green of her cheeks and her mulberry lips parted,
careless that she showed her whitely-glinting fangs, and she recited:

тАЬPoor little ape, youтАЩre sick again tonight.

Has the shrill, fretful chatter fevered you?

Was it a dream-lion gave you such a fright?

And did the serpent Fear glide from the slough?

You cough, you moan, I hear your small teeth grate.

file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry%20kruiswij...r/Fritz%20Leiber%20-%20Best%20of%20Fritz%20Leiber.html (7 of 242)22-2-2006 0:35:37
best of fritz leiber

What are those words you mutter as you toss?

War, torture, guilt, revenge, crime, murder, hate?

IтАЩll stroke your brow, poor little apeтАФyouтАЩre cross.

Far wiser beings under far older stars

Have had your sickness, seen their hopes denied,

Sought God, fought Fate, pounded against the bars,

And like you, little ape, they some day died.

The bough swings in the wind, the night is deep.

Look at the stars, poor little ape, and sleep.тАЬ