"Anne Logston - Shadow 01 - Shadow" - читать интересную книгу автора (Logston Anne)a game of dagger-toss. Win, and I'll buy your pretty toys for you; lose, and
I'll stuff them down your throat. How's that for a bargain, eh?" "Accepted," Shadow said loftily. "Finish fondling your money, human, for you'll soon be parted from it. Choose your target." The woman picked a piece of blackened wood from a nearby fire and traced two targets on the wooden wall of a nearby building, then traced a line on the ground some distance away. "There," she said. "Do try at least to hit the wall, if you can." Shadow picked out three of the daggers she had selected for purchase and toed the mark. She flipped the daggers consideringly from hand to hand, trying to accustom herself to their balance, until an impatient sigh from the human woman returned her attention to the contest. Immediately she let fly, one after the other. "Not bad," the warrior conceded, gazing at the three daggers grouped solidly in the center of the target. She drew three of her own daggers, toed the line, and threw. The daggers thunked solidly into the center of her target. They both walked forward, eyeing the targets critically. "If you're determined to humiliate yourself." The woman shrugged. "On the same target this time?" Shadow grinned. "Let's make it interesting," she said. "Same target, same time, and offhand?" The other scowled but nodded reluctantly. They lined up at the mark. "Call it, my friend," Shadow said to the vendor. "Now!" the elf called. Six daggers flashed to the target, and after a brief pause, the competitors moved forward to judge their success. There was a long moment of silence while the warrior frowned darkly at the target. Then she sighed and suddenly threw an arm around Shadow's shoulders. "Ah, damn it," Donya complained. "I never can beat you." "Bet on it." Shadow chuckled, giving her friend a hug. "By Macaran's |