"Brian Lumley - Titus Crow 1 - The Burrowers Beneath" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lumley Brian)THE BURROWERS BENEATH BY BRIAN LUMLEY
The Nethermost Caverns (From the Files of Titus Crow) Blowne House Leonard's-Walk Heath London 18th May 196- Ref: - 53/196-G. K. Lapham & Co. Head Office, GKL Cuttings 117 Martin Hudd St Nottingham, Notts. Dear Mr Lapham, Please alter my order as it stands to cover only the most outstanding cases, on which your continued cooperation would be appreciated as ever. This action not to be misconstrued as being all but a cancellation of my custom, on the contrary, but for the time being I would rather you concentrate your efforts on my behalf to full coverage of one special line. I require all cuttings, one copy of each, from all forty-three dailies normally covered, of current occurrences involving earthquakes, tremors, subsidences, and like phenomena (and backdated to cover the last three years where at all possible), to continue until further notice. Thank you for your prompt attention. Yrs faithfully, T. Crow Blowne House 19th May Ref: - 55/196- Edgar Harvey, Esq. Harvey, Johnson & Harvey, Solicitors Radcar, Yorks. Dear Mr Harvey, I am given to understand that you are the literary agent of Paul Wendy-Smith, the young writer of tales of romantic and/or macabre fiction, and that following his mysterious disappearance in 1933 you became executor to the estate. I was only a very young man at that time, but I seem to remember that because of certain special circumstances publication of the writer's last story (showing, I believe, strange connections with the disappearance of both the author and his uncle, the explorer-archaeologist Sir Amery Wendy-Smith) was held in abeyance. My query is simply this: has the work since seen publication, and if so where may I obtain a copy? I am, sir, hopefully expectant of an early answer, Yrs sincerely, T. Crow Blowne House Harvey, Johnson & Harvey Mylor Rd Radcar, Yorks. 22nd May Dear Mr Crow, Regarding your inquiry (your reference 55/196- of 19th May), you are correct, I was executor to the estate of Paul Wendy-Smith - and yes, there was a tale held in abeyance for a number of years until the Wendy-Smiths were both officially pronounced 'missing or dead' in 1937. The story, despite being a very slight piece, has seen publication more recently in an excellently presented and major macabre collection. I enclose proofs of the story, and, should you require the book itself, the publisher's card. |